Thunder's Place

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Stretch routines help and is masturbation ok?

Stretch routines help and is masturbation ok?

Hey all,

I’m pretty new to this, and have been experimenting a bit, but I really need a routine and, I figure with a bit of help, I can get a stretch routine going.

First off, can someone give me suggestions of different stretching and jelqing type exercises to do throughout the day considering I, pretty much, have the entire day as free time, and I would like to know a good routine or set of routines to use throughout an entire day to gain as much length and girth as possible in the fastest amount of time, and I would also like to know if it is ok to masturbate after stretch routines or jelqing?; the reason I ask this is because a while back I read, on a different site, that when the penis ejaculates it retracts far enough to screw with your gains and you should not have any form of an orgasm for at least two hours after jelqing, but I don’t know the validity of the information; so I ask, is this true?

Thanks for all help as it will be put to good use and well appreciated.

P.S. I know fast gains are unlikely, but I am going to see my girlfriend, IRL, for the first time soon, around 2 months soon so any growth would be good, and I know that she has told me before that a 7 EL and above is usually good for her. Well, unfortunately for me, I only have a 6.2 EL, curves to the left, and 5 inches of EG. I know I have received compliments before about technique, and for some reason girls seem to think mine is a 7, in EL, but I don’t know why; because, whenever I look at my erect unit without a ruler for comparison and reassurance of the six inches that I do have, I usually think it looks smaller…Oh yeah, and it sucks to be 6’3 and 160 pounds since I sure in hell don’t reinforce any particular “skinny guys” rumor. I am hoping for help, and thanks for all of your time, all that read this, and all those who respond.

I guess a point for point response would be OK.

1. Welcome! We’re always glad to have new member start posting rather than just lurking.

2. Your questions are also welcome, BUT did you know we have a great search feature? The masturbation question has gotten a lot of attention recently in several threads. The quick answer, and it’s my opinion, is that ejaculation does not hurt gains. Search for “masturbation gains” and you’ll get several threads on the subject.

3. Fast isn’t a term we use here. PE takes time. If you try to hurry it along, you’ll injure yourself and set things back. I’m sure she doesn’t want to meet you with a purple dick. Be careful, take it slow.

4. Women, in general, don’t know six from seven when it comes to dicks. Let her think what she wants and don’t correct her. Your girth is good, your length is good, and you’ve gotten props in the past for good technique. Just be yourself and do what you normally do.

5. Everyone here thinks their penis looks smaller than it is. Welcome to the club.

It sounds like you’ll respond well to PE if you follow a good procedure. Your head’s in the right place.

I have been doing this for only 2 months, but seeing you have 2 months to go, maybe you can use the what I do. And if others want to improve on this - go ahead… I’m game for learning too!

My routine:

5 days a week: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays
Everything is done manually. I haven’t built any devices yet.

5 minute hot wrap- I wrap my dick with a facecloth and stand over a pale of hot water and use a cup to slowly pour the hot water so it flows onto the facecloth. Be careful not to burn yourself. Only use hot enough water to feel warm when it soaks through to the penis. The key is to pour the water slowly so that you don’t make a mess. This procedure works well because it keeps the facecloth at a consistent temperature. And wet heat is a deaper heat so it penetrates further into the tissue of the penis.

Stretches. (perform flaccid)
I then stretch my penis gently out from my body in 5 different directions. Up to the belly button, Down to the knees, Straight Out from the body, To the left and then to the right. I hold each 1 of these 5 positions for 5 minutes each. In between each stretch I take 10 seconds to shake the penis out and allow some circulation to occur.

I then do 2 minutes of a hot wrap to keep it warm before beginning my jelquing routine.

Jelquing. (I use a silicon based lube to minimize skin rub)
Week 1&2: I jelqued for 30 minutes each day of Monday, Wednesday, Friday. (wrist was getting sore doing this so I cut back on my jelquing time sessions to 20 minutes on Wednesday and Friday of week 2)
Week 3,4&5: I increased my jelq time up to 25 minutes, 4 days per week. (Mon,Tues, Thurs, Fri)
Week 6,7: I increased to 5 days per week. (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat) But, kept the time to 25 minutes.
Week 8 (this week) I am doing 5 days per week and 30 minutes of jelquing.

Through these 8 weeks, I have noticed a gain from 6.12” BPEL to 6.5” BPEL, but I might have improved my measuring system because these sound like pretty good gains as compared to some others. My girth was the smallest increment below 5” at the beginning and now is at 5.25”. This might not be permanent yet, because it might just be the fact that my penis is swollen from the stress that has been put on it. I don’t know if it’s permanent or not because I am not going to stop PE’ing to find out! Other than that, I have reported no injuries, except my wrist was getting sore doing in week 1 and 2 of the jelquing routine. I suggest just doing 20 minutes of jelquing the first week unless you have stronger wrists than me (everyone is different). Be sure to take days off. You don’t want to injure yourself by overtraining if you only have 2 months to be at peak performance. Oh, yeah, and slip in to the bathroom before that intimate moment with your GF. Do a quick 2 minutes of jelquing if you can… Your penis will swell up nice. I usually get an extra .25” to .5” of girth by doing this.


Oh and don’t masturbate! It’s a sin and you’ll go blind! Well that is what my grandmother told me when she caught me at age 6…

It is best not to ejaculate 2 hours prior to PE and 2 hours after your PE workout. So go ahead and masturbate, just don’t finish…

Hey westla90069, and 21pro, thanks for your help!

I really had no intentions on going fast enough to hurt myself, but just seeing gains of ANY kind would be nice! And even after two months of PE, and seeing my girlfriend for only two weeks, I have to return home for the next four months so I definitely get more time to keep going with a routine. I don’t ever plan on stopping my PE until I reach 8 EL by 6 EG anyways, but hell, who knows? Maybe in the beginning the sex will be good enough for her, and, in time, the sex will be awesome for her. I think I’ll just look at it as a good thing for me not having my extra size yet; after all, if I do well enough for her with my current size, when I finally have reached my ultimate goal, it’ll just be that much better for the both of us. Anyways, thanks again for you two with all your help. I now have a routine to use! Woohoo!


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