Stretch routines help and is masturbation ok?
Hey all,
I’m pretty new to this, and have been experimenting a bit, but I really need a routine and, I figure with a bit of help, I can get a stretch routine going.
First off, can someone give me suggestions of different stretching and jelqing type exercises to do throughout the day considering I, pretty much, have the entire day as free time, and I would like to know a good routine or set of routines to use throughout an entire day to gain as much length and girth as possible in the fastest amount of time, and I would also like to know if it is ok to masturbate after stretch routines or jelqing?; the reason I ask this is because a while back I read, on a different site, that when the penis ejaculates it retracts far enough to screw with your gains and you should not have any form of an orgasm for at least two hours after jelqing, but I don’t know the validity of the information; so I ask, is this true?
Thanks for all help as it will be put to good use and well appreciated.
P.S. I know fast gains are unlikely, but I am going to see my girlfriend, IRL, for the first time soon, around 2 months soon so any growth would be good, and I know that she has told me before that a 7 EL and above is usually good for her. Well, unfortunately for me, I only have a 6.2 EL, curves to the left, and 5 inches of EG. I know I have received compliments before about technique, and for some reason girls seem to think mine is a 7, in EL, but I don’t know why; because, whenever I look at my erect unit without a ruler for comparison and reassurance of the six inches that I do have, I usually think it looks smaller…Oh yeah, and it sucks to be 6’3 and 160 pounds since I sure in hell don’t reinforce any particular “skinny guys” rumor. I am hoping for help, and thanks for all of your time, all that read this, and all those who respond.