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Stretching the ligs

Stretching the ligs

Hi !

When I’m doing stretching I feel the ‘underneath the skin’ lig’s stretch but
The “feeling” is that there are two ligs, one at the right side and the other on the left
Which are the only spots that I feel (and see) being stretched.

A question for the more experienced fellas:
Where do I suppose to feel the stretching other than those two places (which I’m not even sure are ligs.) ?

I’d be happy for a good link with info about the ligs..

Thanx again and again guys !

I only feel “interal”/inner penis/lig/whatever stretching from the left and right as well. Wheni pull straight down I feel a stretch more in my penis than anything. I do feel “something else” when I do what I think is a modified v stretch: I put my head on te edge of a sink/counter and sink my weight/squat down slowly so the penis is stretched up. (the cross sinks in relation to the head which is held at the edge of the counter/sink).

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