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Stretching, Turkey Neck and Grip

Stretching, Turkey Neck and Grip

Ok, so I’ve been PE’ing somewhat consistently since May 2010, despite my join date.
I did generic newbie routines but I always had a problem with stretching because I had phimosis, foreskin that wouldn’t retract, so I always stretched with glans covered. I also never really felt a stretch in any direction.

After a while I decided to tackle the phimosis through stretching the foreskin opening, and I’ve fixed it now. Eventually I stopped doing stretching in PE and just jelqed because I heard stretching with glans covered would just stretch skin, and I already have a fair amount of foreskin.

Ok so my problem is, I have quite a turkey neck, didn’t realise this until a couple of months ago. Now I have full retraction I’ve started to stretch again, but the only way I ‘feel’ a stretch is gripping further down the base over the turkey neck skin and at lower angles, either SD or BTC or UTL. The thing is I can’t be sure if I’m just stretching skin and exacerbating the turkey neck problem or I can feel something internally, because I have nothing to compare it to.

So I’m aware I should probably grip above the turkey neck skin, with foreskin retracted. But when I do this the skin rolls back forward over the glans and like I said I don’t feel anything.

I suppose I’m just looking for advice from uncut guys who don’t feel anything gripping near the glans. Or any guys with turkey neck who can only stretch further down the base.

I suppose I need to find some middle ground of feeling a stretch but being above the turkey neck ‘line’, so I’m hoping for any advice or experience. Also baby powder seems to do little to aid grip, just though I’d add.

Sorry if some of this seems nonsensical and pointless, I’m in a rush. Appreciate any help, thanks.

I have a bad turkey neck. So bad that once I hit my PE goals I will be paying for it to be surgically removed. I’m not uncut. But when I stretch I pull “little excess” skin away from the glan and grip right under the glan. I enclose another finger above and below that to take “some” pressure off of the glan. Its an intense internal stretch. It does not stretch any skin at all.

I did this with the ADS, hanging, and manual stretches. Which is probably why my turkey neck has gotten worse. I hope this helps.

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

Wait, are you supposed to stretch with the foreskin pulled back?

I believe so yes. I know I would.

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

When I try and stretch with the foreskin pulled back, it just falls straight back over again. I must be doing something wrong.

I have the same issues, as I mentioned above.

Penox, thanks for your reply. I think I do understand, you grip by the glans and then pull excess skin back through the grip? I’m having a hard time picturing the grip though.

I have somewhat of an advantage being uncut because if I retract all the way and smooth the skin out the turkey neck basically shifts back to the base, but like I said I feel no stretch at all gripping near the glans.

Yeah, whenever I stretch with my foreskin retracted, I just pull my foreskin back over. How do I overcome this?

Interesting. I’ve only been doing manual stretches thus far (my ADS should be arriving any day now), but I’ve always used my foreskin to help grip the glans. Being uncut, this just seemed more natural, plus it was pretty rough on the glans to grip it directly. From now on, I’ll be retracting the skin during manual stretches.

I cannot speak for uncut guys.

I grab the tip of my glan with a finger and thumb and lightly stretch it out with the purpose of using the other hand to retract the skin away from the glan. I grip directly under the gland with an okay grip. I then stretch.

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

Have you ever tried bundled stretches?
They work well for me (well, they feel good anyway, I haven’t been PE’ing long enough to know if they’re actually working for me).

I too am uncut and my foreskin is too tight to retract. Unless I’m pulling downwards, I don’t feel anything particular from regular manual stretches. Bundled ones, though.. I feel those right away in my entire shaft.

When I stretch one hand at the base of shaft retracting all my shaft it kinda look like a boner but isn’t. My other free hand is located 1 inch beneath the glans. Then I pull slightly in which direction I pulling towards like pulling to the left. All of this is at the same time hand at base of shaft and other hand pulling at same time.

I feel if I do it this way I get a way better overall stretch.

It seems that the ADS would solve the turkey neck issue to allow the stretching of the shaft. Would it not minimize the Turkey neck effect? Like wearing a cock ring pushed up against the pubic bone? Also, can the ADS replace jelqing as a PE therapy?


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