Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Struggling with PE addiction. let's be honest here

I got a ‘addictive personality’ and am in recovery as well and I manage to balance my PE with having rest days every now and then and, knock on wood, haven’t had any serious injuries thus far.

If I feel like I’m over worked I’ll always take a day or two off which usually is more than enough for me. I do the same regarding my fitness and have finally a much more healthy and balanced life in those aspects.

One must realize that both fitness and PE is a life long journey where some kind of maintenance routine is required to keep all the gains.

At least that’s the way I see it.

“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”-Hunter.S.Thompson-

As long as a big can of Gillette shaving cream(7,5" or 19 cm), with picture proof in the 'full body picture' section. Pictures is the ultimate proof in the pudding, IMO.

Originally Posted by Abdiel
I got a ‘addictive personality’ and am in recovery as well and I manage to balance my PE with having rest days every now and then and, knock on wood, haven’t had any serious injuries thus far.

Have you ever had a thrombosed vein abdiel? Would you consider this serious? I don’t think it is serious but I need to realize if I don’t rest correctly it could become serious. Today will be day 3 of no PE at all and hot showers. Posting here to keep myself accountable. I may feel the thrombosis go away within 2 weeks but I am going to totally forget PE for a month just to make sure I am totally healthy.

Take an aspirin a couple times a day, use moist heat and I bet you you’ll survive.

Hell I’m addicted but in a good way. I pump at least twice a day with one day off for recovery.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Take an aspirin a couple times a day, use moist heat and I bet you you’ll survive.

Will do, thanks

Originally Posted by Wilson7375
Hell I’m addicted but in a good way. I pump at least twice a day with one day off for recovery.

That might turn bad soon, if you get a small injury it will be hard for you to take the time off to let it heal

You are probably just a typical new PEer. I found it to be quite exciting when I first started, and like you I thought there was an addictive quality to it. Over time you will likely lose some interest, and find other things to take the place of PE.

Most of my actual gains occurred in about a 9 month period. However, I worked at it a few months before getting any noticeable gains, and I continued without any gains for a few months after. I could try some desperate techniques in hopes of more gains, but I am happy with 1.25 inches in length, and the additional girth that I never measured. I made my gains from traction, and for the last couple of years I just pump a few times a week, and wear the heaviest glans rings I can keep in place to maintain the gains. PE has become more like any routine maintenance thing I do, and the thrill has diminished.

Originally Posted by repeter
You are probably just a typical new PEer. I found it to be quite exciting when I first started, and like you I thought there was an addictive quality to it. Over time you will likely lose some interest, and find other things to take the place of PE.

Hopefully I do lose some interest and I stop thinking about it so much. Today is day 4 with no PE.. Unfortunately in the shower I couldn’t resist doing a few soft bends in a few directions for a few minutes. Made me feel stupid/ made me feel like I have no self control afterwards.. Even though I doubt it hurt me at all I just feel like PE has a hold over me. Yes this time when I gave in for a few minutes didn’t hurt me but the fact that I told myself no PE in any way and I did a bit is still frustrating. Just have to continue with better self control now though. Gonna always try to do what is healthiest instead of what will lead to gains.

In terms of my T-vein I have been taking fish oil too, the slight discomfort is 90% gone so I barely ever feel it, and if I do it is a small enough discomfort that I can barely feel it. However what feels like a lump in the vein is still there.

You wonder why you may have issues and have no discipline to let yourself heal. Add to that you know have a thrommosed vein? Get serious dude.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

There’s a story about a guy walking into a doctors office complaining about very serious head pains. When the doctor finally sees him the doc asks him to talk him through the symptoms.

The guy says “well I don’t know what started it but now every time I headbutt my wall it gets worse”

The doc says “well how long have you been headbutting your wall?

The guy shrugs and says “I’m not sure, probably about as long as I’ve had these headaches”

The doc laughs and then with a stern face says “Stop.”

From what I remember the guys headaches eventually subsided.

Lol titleist and velhungvhite are both right. I do need to be more serious and dedicated. I see why it would be a bad idea for the average 18-20 year old to find out about PE because it is hard to have the maturity to do it right at that age.

Hey titleist, I see you are very experienced in PE. Have you ever had a t-vein or a worse injury or something similar? I just want to know that people can have these or worse and still go on to be healthy and gain.

I’ve had a few severe injuries. I left it alone, didn’t obsess and moved on.

When did you self diagnose a thrombosis?

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist

When did you self diagnose a thrombosis?

Thanks, it is good to hear others have gotten over similar or worse issues.

It is a bit unclear when it first popped up but I am pretty sure I have one right now. Currently I have a small lump or a few of them in a vein between the right side and ventral part, about 1 cm below the glans. I can tell it is a vein and not a lymph vessel since I can see it is blue underneath the skin. I didn’t realize it was a vein until about a week ago; before then I had thought it was just some irritation between the foreskin and that side of the glans since it mainly caused slight discomfort while retracting and I hadn’t felt the tiny lumps. Or I thought it might be a slight soreness just in that part of the tunica, or soreness of the “ventral thickening”. (3 weeks ago I googled to find what the pain was and I thought it was from this ventral thickening which is part of the tunica. In reality this structure is just deep to the location of the thrombosed vein but since they are close together that threw me off).

Either way I first remember feeling this slight discomfort about 6 months ago after a night with my GF. (Probably caused by the condom) It went away for some time and I thought it was nothing, but I felt some slight discomfort again about 3 weeks ago, probably due to lack of warm up, but I again thought it was soreness of something internal to the penis like the tunica/ ventral thickening. It feels better right now than it has in a while due to my rest so far.

A thrombosed vein caused by a condom. Now I’ve read it all.

Dude take some time off. Please.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


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