Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Success So Far and Lessons Learned

Success So Far and Lessons Learned

Hello all,

I’ve been lurking on Thunder’s for probably 4ish years now, though I only created this account a couple years ago but I have to admit that I’ve been only seriously doing PE for the past 4 months with SOLID consistency. This will be my first post and I’m directing it towards folks (like me) who may be relatively new to PE. I am going to describe my approach and results so far, and the post has been broken into sections for (hopefully) easy skimability. If you’re an old-timer you might not find this information useful at all or may have had results using totally different techniques. I get it, I just want to share what’s worked for me. Otherwise, before we get any further thanks to the regulars who contribute here and help folks. You’re all rock stars.

Let me say that there’s tons of great information on this site, and some supremely helpful folks have posted here over the years . Thunder’s really is consistently a cut above the other PE sites that I’ve read through, so if you’re totally new to PE then you’re at the right spot. Without getting into specifics and finger pointing I’d urge anyone to take advice and comments from other PE forum sites with a huge ol’ lump of salt as there’s some really goofy shit out there. The information on Thunder’s is very consistently moderated and curated, and, by in large, the members seem to take the whole PE endeavor much more seriously — if you read something interesting or get feedback from folks outside of Thunder’s regarding PE, I’d do a reality-check here either by asking questions or searching the forums. In fact, that’d be my Number One PE Tip for anyone starting out, regardless of techniques you choose to use — when in doubt, check Thunder’s. I find that using Google to search is often times easier and can yield better results than the built-in forum search. To use Google to display results only from Thunder’s place enter it like this in the Google search box: your search query

Example jelqing techniques for girth

Personal Statistics:
I’m VERY lucky in that my starting point was very respectable and definitely on the high end of the bell curve of ‘average’ or what I think of as ‘moderately large.’ Frankly I don’t pay much attention to flaccid size since I just don’t care about that as much, but my flaccid hang length and girth has, overall, increased a bit. About 4.5" x 4.25" depending on temperature/time/whatever. I don’t track this with any sort of regularity, just going off of occasional measurements. Erect stats are just that — natural erections with the measurements taken at least 5 days after last pumping (or in the 2009 case, never pumping). My weight has not changed significantly either in this period.

Natural (2009)
~7.15" of BPEL
~5.2" of MSEG

Currently (PEing consistently for the first 4 months in 2013, sporadically prior to that)
~7.75" BPEL
~5.45" MSEG (base is ~5.75")

Manual Exercises:
Jelqing, Uli’s and some of the minor stretches (helicopters, etc) are all manual exercises I’ve done. I think it’s a good idea to do this for a few weeks to a month to condition your penis to being handled, and frankly to condition you as to how to handle your penis, your comfort levels, etc. Think of it as zen meditation time with just you and your cock. It increases blood flow, stretches you out, helps to prevent turtling, it’s a good time to slather it up in cocoa butter for skin health, etc. Plus it feels good.

Personally I don’t think I have seen much gain from the manual exercises alone (probably because I don’t have enough time or discipline to invest into a REAL ‘full-time’ manual routine), however I do strongly believe they are an important part of things even if just given a limited amount of time as warm-ups/warm-downs. Aside from some light stretches, all I ever do with any sort of consistency now is about 10min of Jelqing (semi-erect state, lots of lube & cocoa butter) a bit after pumping or a bit after taking off weights/extenders (see below for my ‘routine’). I think this is important to penile health, and the very least.

Could you do a full-on manual newbie routine as outlined here on the site and gain from it? I sure think so, it’s worth a shot and costs nothing except for a warming device and lubrication and there are plenty of wonderful success stories based just on the manual routines alone. I undertook most of the newbie routine mostly for just ‘conditioning’ purposes before trying other things.

Preparation Gear:
Warming Device
Before anything I’d suggest a plug-in heat pad from your local drug store, or a rice or corn husk sock that you can microwave. Even a washcloth that’s been in warm water will work, if you don’t mind things getting wet. Personally I use a heating pad ($10) as it’s easy to apply and stays warm consistently and has a variable temperature control. When hanging or extending, I will LOOSELY wrap the device/my penis in the pad on a very low warm setting occasionally (not constantly) to keep the temperature and circulation up, or I’ll loosely wrap it around my cock prior to exercise to get things warmed up initially.

Palmer's Cocoa Butter with Vitamin E
This is good for skin health. I get 13oz tubs on Amazon, they last a long time and it smells good. I slap a good dollop on after I extend/hang/pump and before jelqing and massage it in, and then I use..

ID Glide
Great water-based lube. Works great for PE and is friggin’ awesome for sex. All the women I’ve used it with thought it was the best, it has a very natural feel to it. I can only find it on Amazon, not in any local stores.

3M Microfoam Surgical Tape
Useful if you’re vacuum hanging or extending only, but just thought I’d mention it here. You can buy this from Monkeybar (he also includes some with all his products) or purchase it in bulk from Amazon in a variety of sizes.

Exercise Gear:
So over the course of a few years I’ve collected some toys..

I have an original PeniMaster (zee German penis torture device) with the "comfort strap" (false advertising if there ever was). It’s super uncomfortable, and even if you do get it right it’s so damn fidgety that having to unhook and check on penis health regularly (which you should do) makes it a huge pain in the ass. I see PeniMaster now has a vacuum style head which probably alleviates most of the complaints I have had, but this brings me to the next item..

Sometime in 2010 or 2011 I bought Monkeybar’s AutoExtender vacuum conversion kit (I believe I have a v2, definitely not that v4.1 that he has out so I can’t speak for the latest version). This is WORLD’s better as it is super easy to put on and comfortable. This resulted in wear time from ~20min to multiple-hours. Personally I find the default sleeves that ship with AutoExtender/kits to be a bit too hard for my taste, so I purchased what’s known as the "Medium XSleeve" (which is a thicker and softer blue silicone sleeve) to use while extending — simply cut in half and you now have two extending/hanging sleeves. For me, this type of sleeve is perfect as it’s not as tight and is far easier to manipulate.

I have also purchased some very soft AutoXleeves (the soft thick yellow silicone all-day/night variety) from Monkeybar which I use for ultra light hanging (up to 8oz) and/or using it as-is with no-weight for a light all day stretch.

A word about any of the sleeves.. I find that ROLLING it on and off evenly is the best way to apply and remove it. Do not yank it off like a sock and cut your fingernails while you’re at it, you neanderthal. While the sleeves are somewhat expensive initially, they’re good quality. With a little care all my sleeves have lasted a long time without tearing — I finally just had to order my first replacement this last April after a few years. Take that as you will. I’m also the kind of person who doesn’t scratch their own CDs/DVDs/BluRays, either. If you’re prone to destroying your own shit, you might find yourself reordering more often.

I do have a water pump (BathMate — more for fun than anything useful for PE) and I also invested in good standard air pump (LA Pump) as it offers a precise gauge, etc. The LA Pump is of excellent quality, if a bit expensive.

Knowing now what works for *me*, I’d just go with a Monkeybar AutoExtender complete kit thingy (basically the vacuum head with the PeniMaster-like extender base unit) and the softest Monkeybar XSleeves as this allows you to extend, hang, and use the sleeves as an all day stretch (ADS) with or without light weights. It’s pretty damn versatile and that alone covers the majority of PE exercises with gear that most people endeavor to undertake. Much like Alton Brown, I dislike unitasking devices be it in the kitchen or on my cock.

If you’re interested in trying pumping, I’d go with the LAPump and skip the Bathmate entirely. Also, be careful about getting your scrotum or scrotal skin so slippery and lubed things might be slowly (or not so slowly) sucked into the tube while under pressure. It’s not dangerous so far as I can tell, but I’d qualify "not dangerous" only in the same way that being waterboarded at a CIA black site isn’t "dangerous." You’ve been warned.

Please note: I don’t want to sound like a shill for Monkeybar. If you have MacGyver tendencies I’m sure you could also construct your own device similar to MB’s (just search the forums here, such things exist), or find a competing product(s) (EG, Bib Hanger, whatever) if you prefer something else or need to save money. I’m simply a satisfied customer and listing what I’ve tried and found to be successful.

Growth Theory:
I’ve found some of the posts regarding theory (ligament/tendon/muscle deformation/growth) to be really useful as I’ve tried to construct my own regimen. Based on my experiences I’m a believer in the low tension/more time under stress model. As a relative newbie, who has only done this consistently for ~4 months, this philosophy has worked very well for me and I think it has the side advantage of being LESS likely to cause injury to your penis by limiting the forces you’re applying, as well as not inducing scar tissue/toughening your body up to the point where things are no longer plastic. In addition, my work allows me the flexibility to have all-day sessions all the time without any sort of issue.

Again, this is only one person’s opinion as to what’s been effective, which has been informed by a large amount of reading on here and my professional background in the surgical medical device industry. Don’t take anything I say as gospel, but I think you’re better of applying mild heat and the minimal amount of force needed to induce growth/deformation as a newbie. Besides, it’s just easier that way and I’m all about the easy. Now that you know where I’m coming from, here’s what I do..

A typical warm up/warm down might look like this..

1) Warm-up with the heating pad until things are plump and ready to go
2) Get semi-to-mostly erect and optionally pump for 15min at 3hg - 5hg (never beyond 5hg)
3) Semi-erect Jelq with cocoa butter & lube, approximately 15min
4) Shower or wash off, as it’s a damn mess by now

Assuming I’m working from home I’ll either use the Monkeybar vacuum head to hang or extend after I tape up the head of my penis with the 3M Surgitape..

Attach the Monkeybar VacHead headpiece unit and the PeniMaster device. I only use about 750 - 1000 grams of tension per the PeniMaster site, I NEVER "crank it" to the max. I will gradually keep tension up at the "sweet spot" (between 750-850 grams) by adding small extension blocks if I see it’s gone down over time. A light "burn" after 4 - 6 hours of wearing is typical, though that’s usually more caused by the uncomfortable plastic base or from skin stretch. I will usually break every 4 hours assuming I can get that much uninterrupted time or don’t need to urinate before that, if you’re starting you should break every 30min to 1 hour for a few minutes to inspect and make sure everything is on the up and up. Again, I use the medium (soft, thicker blue color) XSleeve from Monkeybar for extending, not the included (thinner, tougher) sleeve. I just find it more comfortable and easier to manipulate.

I’ll alternate extending pointing the extender up or down as it seems to give a bit of a different stretch. I also have a tunica V-stretch attachment which I use on occasion for a little extra tug, though I limit that to 20 - 30min stints as it can be quite intense.

Attach the Monkeybar VacHead headpiece same as above, but without the PeniMaster base device obviously. I use your basic carabiner-type fastener and simply attach that to the VacHead piece which has a metal loop on it, and then I hang a pouch from that which I’ll put weights into. I’ll start with 8oz for a little bit to get used to the weight and ease into things, then within 15 minutes move to 1lb, and then finally I’ll end up at 2 or 2.5lbs which is what I’ll hang for an extended period. Similar to extending, I’ll hang for around 4 hours at a time before I break, unless I need to urinate, go out, etc. The vacuum head from MonkeyBar along with the Medium XSleeve (same as the one I use for extending) I use easily handles this amount of weight, I know some people on here hang up to 15-20lbs with the VacExtender head and different (firmer) sleeves, but I can’t speak to that. I have never exceeded 2.5lbs but there has been zero slippage so I’m sure it could take more if I wanted to test it.

With hanging I’m sitting most of the time so I’ll scoot forward to the edge of my chair and try to get a good "straight down" (SD) type of tug going. I do walk around my home a fair bit while on the phone, so there is additional standing/free swing time which I think helps.. And as an added bonus it looks completely ridiculous.

Once again, either hanging OR extending I’ll try to get anywhere from 4 to 8 or more (hopefully) hours each day in under hanging (never exceeding 2.5lbs) or extending (never exceeding 1000 grams of continuous tension, aiming for 750-850). Also, seeing as I do both from home, I’ll wear loose shorts to make my life easier and just feed my penis down one leg. I tend to simply alternate between the two — hang one week, extend the next. Sometimes I’ll mix it up mid week just to get crazy.

If I’m out and about I will use the Soft (thick, yellow color) AutoXleeve with an 8oz weight cap attached to it if I’m wearing baggy jeans or a suit/formal slacks to ensure that I’m stretched the whole day and under a very light tension. If I’m wearing tighter jeans I just skip the 8oz cap weight as it makes it far too obvious. Again, I’ll make sure the penis head is taped up regardless of the above XSleeve technique, just to help prevent blister issues. Very simple and comfortable. I think even if you’re using other methods, anyone could incorporate this into their routine.

At the end of the day I typically do a repeat of the start — warm-up, pump at 3hg - 5hg (never beyond 5hg) for 15 minutes, followed with a light jelq and/or masturbation.

Again, the overall theme is effective, but still comfortable. For me, any type of fitness or diet regimen is something I enjoy doing (and see results from, obviously) or else I’ll procrastinate or not do it. The techniques I use are super comfy and fit my lifestyle well, therefore I’d recommend you strike that same balance for yourself, too. Make sure it’s something you can stick with and enjoy.

I’ve never had any sort of real injury, which I attribute to going slow, using very modest force, and being careful. I would advise the same to anyone. The worst I’ve ever had was a very tiny water blister on the penis head (1mm in diameter) from the air hole in the VacExtender headpieces — this just shows the importance of taping up properly if you’re using some sort of vacuum device for hanging/extending. The blister disappeared within a day.

When I have exceeded 5hg when pumping for any significant amount of time I have gotten the dreaded "red speckles" on the penis shaft — this is indicative of broken capillaries. If this ever happens to me, I always give it a week off from pumping, even though the spots subside in a couple days. Just my two cents on the issue as I know some folks keep on pumping regardless, but broken capillaries means trauma and typically not the good sort. Give your body time to heal if you’re just starting off, especially.

My erection quality has always been excellent, so no issues there. Knock on wood. ;)

Thoughts on Size:
Average size seems to be a topic that just won’t quit.

I never ask women about size, or past lovers, but most women volunteer at least something. All unsolicited feedback I got from past lovers (12 women) before seriously doing PE this year was that I am on the ‘large’ side. Since increasing size a bit there’s been more or less the same praise (2 new women so far this year, no repeats.. Yet), but nothing extra special has been said, really. Overall neither thickness or length has been complimented more than the other, but there’s always been a lot of "nice cock"/"fill me up perfectly"/"bigger than others" type comments. So take that as you will as far as what women find pleasurable not, or what they think of size. This is just one dude’s experience, and while I readily admit I don’t have a huge amount of past lovers the above sort of comments have been true for virtually all of them so far. Maybe it’s all pure ego stroking, but like I said I have NEVER asked — I just don’t think it’s classy to do so, and let’s face it after a good fuck who wants to be reminded of exes? ;)

My take? Two things..

Firstly, you don’t need to have the the Mythical Unicorn Cock of 8x6 to be considered big by most women. I see posts constantly about women making nasty comments about penis sizes, etc. Let me just say, if a woman is slagging men (or you specifically) for having a small penis 1) don’t get involved with her/dump the bitch immediately as she’s going to be nothing but trouble in the long run if she doesn’t respect men and there are plenty of nice girls (naughty ones, too) out there who would love to have a shot at you, and 2) please do a reality check on your size here or at the Mr. Average website (uses the Lifestyles data) http://www.mrav …

Secondly, women do notice and appreciate size and therefore size does matter to some extent, but not anywhere to the extent that we think it does as wannabe owners of said Mythical Unicorn Cock of 8x6. If you’re a good guy with an average sized cock, your BMI is a few points under 30, you have a steady job, and you don’t have an arrest record, well then you’re pretty damn far ahead of the game already. Congratulations, sir. If you’re a thoughtful lover my experience has been that you will get booty calls from some exes for years to come, should that be your desire. So make sure you’re doing this for the right reason — do it for yourself and have fun with it, not as some form of penile body dysmorphia (see above again, reality check on size) or thinking it’s a cure-all for a significant other or that size will magically improve performance in the sack.

Final Thoughts:
Obviously none of this is set in stone and I might miss some days if I’m traveling, just forgetful, simply want to err on the side of recovery, if I had sex during the day or night before, whatever. I’m not a slave to PE, this has simply what’s worked for me and I wanted to share some experiences as so many others here have. I was VERY sporadic in my pre-2013 PEing so I don’t count that much, but since being diligent about PE starting in early 2013 I’ve made what I feel are some very good gains.

My length gains come from the low-tension/high-time via Extending or Hanging, with a additional extended time in the "soft" extension sleeve. Pumping at the end of the day may help to reinforce the lengthening/stretched state of things, but I see it more as an "assist" role rather than being the primary driver. However, the pumping and jelqing do seem to promote girth expansion, and even taking significant time off of pumping my girth gains remain consistent. I think you could get excellent permanent girth gains from being a dedicated jelqer, though I feel that jelqing and light pumping together are complimentary (as long as you don’t over-do it), similarly I think probably the light/long tension has played a "assist" role in girth development here, helping things to deform and heal at an extended state.

I tend to look at PE as a wholistic package. Think of it more as penile health and overall penile well-being improvement as you’re pursing greater size. There’s probably no single magic bullet (EG, JUST jelqing, or JUST hanging) for most people. Find out what works for your body and your schedule, and be prepared to have things take some time.

Hopefully this helps someone as so many of the folks here have helped me with their knowledge! Any questions feel free to ask and I’ll do my best.

Last edited by fnargle : 05-19-2013 at .

Hi fnargle,

Welcome to the posting side. What a very long and detailed first post. That’s the kind of thing we like here :)

Just a couple of points.

Google search is far superior to the forum search but there are a couple of caveats:

  1. It only searches the publicly available areas so is less useful if you are searching for injury information but probably all you need for enlargement information.
  2. The data goes to Google, with all the privacy concerns that apply to that

You seem to have gone the equipment route early and you stress time as a reason for this. I would not be surprised if most manual PEers spend an equivalent amount of time doing PE as ADS user spend fiddling with their equipment. Certainly that’s truer earlier on.

Nice post.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks Memento!

Good point about Google, especially if you’re logged in to your Google/Gmail account while searching. Big Sergey & Larry are always watching.

I totally agree about the time spent with equipment — this was a huge turn off with the PeniMaster early on (and why I abandoned it entirely and stuck with the sporadic manual routines, in my own way). There was way too much screwing around with straps, etc. When the goal was just to have something *easy* to compliment/go beyond manual exercises. I definitely think that the vacuum-based hangers/extenders address this shortcoming and (for me) represent a good balance between time spent applying and results, while I still do some measure of manual work.

For instance, if I had to estimate it took 5-10minutes farting around with the PeniMaster straps and getting everything all set (not too tight, not slipping, not pinching, etc) when you multiply that for a few check-ups a day suddenly it’s silly spending 30min gearing up/breaking it all down when you could just do manual exercises in less time and gain. Totally sucks.

Right now it takes me about ~1min to tape up and roll on the sleeve for hanging or extending with the current vacuum head.. What I like most about this form of stretcher/hanger is that I can do other things while it’s going on. It’s more of a lifestyle/time management item now, given that I know that both manual exercise and mild stretching/hanging are both effective for me. It fits that niche that I wanted the original PeniMaster to fill — something easy and comfortable but still effective.

Thank you for sharing such detailed recall of experience. I was contemplating purchasing a Bathmate and I have changed my mind after reading your article. Bathmate seems more like a toy. After I read about clamping and pumping, I am more inclined to pumping. It seems safer and easier to control. They seem comparable if I only want my penis to be engorged with blood flow. Am I correct?

Hi Randy,

Honestly I know nothing about clamping, it seems like an interesting idea. I might try it in the future as apparently the girth gains can be very significant if my gains slow/stop in the future before I hit my goals, so please definitely share your experiences starting out if you go down that path at all.

For me, the Bathmate just didn’t do it beyond as a sex/fun toy (which I think it’s great as!) since it’s lacking any sort of pressure gauge as you say. That’s my main complaint, along with the base section (collapsable like an accordion) which is used to induce the vacuum. It works, but it’s just all very basic. Perhaps if I was more experienced with pumping I’d be able to more accurately guesstimate the amount of vacuum being created by feeling alone, but as someone who is using pumping as a supplement to manual PE + hanging/extending I like having the detail and control over the vacuum level that a ‘typical’ air pump has. Given that it seems so easy to cause some damage to your penis with pumps it’s my opinion that having a pressure gauge just seems like a smart idea.

Great post. I like your philosophy on penis size and what PE is and isn’t. Of course if I had your stats (even your starting stats) I’d never even think about PE in the first place. But hey, that’s me :)


Lots of good info in your post, thank you.

It really helps to hear others experiences, and damn, I wish I could write as well as you.

Great Post Fnargie

Hello all,

I’ve been lurking on Thunder’s for probably 4ish years now, though I only created this account a couple years ago but I have to admit that I’ve been only seriously doing PE for the past 4 months with SOLID consistency. This will be my first post and I’m directing it towards folks (like me) who may be relatively new to PE. I am going to describe my approach and results so far, and the post has been broken into sections for (hopefully) easy skimability. If you’re an old-timer you might not find this information useful at all or may have had results using totally different techniques. I get it, I just want to share what’s worked for me. Otherwise, before we get any further thanks to the regulars who contribute here and help folks. You’re all rock stars.

Let me say that there’s tons of great information on this site, and some supremely helpful folks have posted here over the years . Thunder’s really is consistently a cut above the other PE sites that I’ve read through, so if you’re totally new to PE then you’re at the right spot. Without getting into specifics and finger pointing I’d urge anyone to take advice and comments from other PE forum sites with a huge ol’ lump of salt as there’s some really goofy shit out there. The information on Thunder’s is very consistently moderated and curated, and, by in large, the members seem to take the whole PE endeavor much more seriously — if you read something interesting or get feedback from folks outside of Thunder’s regarding PE, I’d do a reality-check here either by asking questions or searching the forums. In fact, that’d be my Number One PE Tip for anyone starting out, regardless of techniques you choose to use — when in doubt, check Thunder’s. I find that using Google to search is often times easier and can yield better results than the built-in forum search. To use Google to display results only from Thunder’s place enter it like this in the Google search box: your search query

Example jelqing techniques for girth
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Great Post and Great All around Tips. Thanks Anac

Old Home Week

Hi all –

Thread resurrection coming up and shuffling towards you like a zombie Glenn!

I just wanted to check in and post up 2 years on after this above, as I know when I was reading/lurking here more often it was nice to see long-term results, etc. from folks and I think that a follow-up to all this could be helpful.

I kept at the above regimen for the remainder of 2013 and into the start of 2014. This included the manual exercises (sporadic, admittedly, and just as conditioning/cool-down/warm-up as noted above), a penis extender, a light all day stretch (weighted), and just very minor pumping. Please see above for all the gory details, but to reiterate just a few things that I feel really are important as far as the regimen:

1) Always start with the manual exercises. Get yourself used to everything, and get to know your body. Do these for a while and you will probably see gains. Decide then if you want to invest in the time (and money) for gear.

2) As for gear, I feel that the traction stretcher / ADS combo is VERY effective. Just use moderate traction and don’t go nuts. More is not always more.

3) I’m still on the fence about the pump (a real pump with a pressure gauge, not BathMate style as that’s a definite no in my book). Did it work? Maybe, I just kept up with it as it was part of the routine. Were I to recommend skipping anything to save some money, for me this would be the one. I do understand some people swear by these devices, however I think they are best used for short time periods at middling intensity in conjunction with another techniques.

For the second half of 2014 and all of 2015 so far, it’s been VERY minor stretching and manual exercises only (couple times per week). No gear!

So the final stats I ended up with as of TODAY (October 2015):
~7.95” BPEL
~5.6” MSEG (base is ~5.85”)

According to my full spreadsheet of tracking my "largest" (March-April 2014):
~8.1” BPEL
~5.65” MSEG (base ~5.85”)

That’s still a most definite increase over starting point of (2009):
~7.15” of BPEL
~5.2” of MSEG

Why the stop? I was very happy hitting that 8 inch mark, and with the increase of girth to over the 5.5 inch mark. For me this was a self-improvement sort of undertaking and a challenge to see if it could be done. I fully expected to see a "pull back" of sorts once I stopped, as several others here have noticed similar results.

Gadgets and yanking aside, make sure you’re doing this for the right reasons. Do it for yourself and have fun with it, not as some form of penile body dysmorphia (http://www.mrav … - reality check on size) or thinking it’s a cure-all for a significant other or that size will magically improve performance in the sack. That takes attention and practice, and frankly your partner has to tell you what she or he likes, too, so don’t be afraid to ask… and have fun!

Women do notice and appreciate size, but NOT anywhere to the extent that we do. I slept with two women (post-gains) who I had only slept with previously (pre-gains). Guess what? For what was a really good gain (1 inch length, about 0.5 inch girth) and were definitely visibly noticeable (at least based on my photos) the only comments I heard were along the lines of "you were always so big." While that’s really flattering, it is not exactly that huge of a deal (note, did not disclose any PE to them). So take it with a grain of salt – I’m a big size but not scary big and I’ve only ever gotten great reactions. Were I a horrible, selfish lover then simply having a large penis size would not matter one whit and likely I’d never get the ‘repeat business’ so to speak.

I’ll say it again – if you’re a good guy with an average sized cock (average being that range of ~5 to 6 inches), your BMI is a few points under 30, you have a steady job, and you don’t have an arrest record then you’re pretty damn far ahead of the game already compared to a lot of dudes. Go out there and have fun, and don’t worry about penis size too much or let that stop you from living life or finding a relationship.

Hope this helps, and thanks again to everyone through the years for their posts and research here on Thunders. If there are any question as always I will do my best to respond.

Post-post enlargement update

Old thread bump with an update after several more years!

I made an update with stats in profile 7 3/4 BPEL and just shy of 5.5 MSEG — that means a slight pullback from the peak (measured multiple times over the last ~week for consistency, and touch of recreational viagra to ensure full 100% erection). That’s about what I expected, and from what I recall from others is typical to some extent.

I have done zero PE aside from some manual jelq in the shower occasionally, very sporadic. Reading over prior posts I think I stand by my analysis and recommendations still, though perhaps there are some more up-to-date techniques or research that I am unaware of.

Love the new Thunder’s setup and the charting in profiles. Very cool. Glad to see this forum is so useful and active still.


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