Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Suitable PE 1 Month After Length Surgery


If you have the money you should buy one. These things are hard enough to use when they are made by a pro. Don’t hamstring yourself before you even get started.

I wouldn’t get surgery, try out the newbie routine, get involved in this forum, ask questions, realise that it will take time, but stick with natural PE don’t go down the surgery route.

I know your english isn’t that great, but it would be well worth your time working through this thread.

- 8-Ball’s surgery progress picture thread

For our demands most moderate are,

We only want the earth.

James Connolly

Originally Posted by Jaybee
I wouldn’t get surgery, try out the newbie routine, get involved in this forum, ask questions, realise that it will take time, but stick with natural PE don’t go down the surgery route.

I know your english isn’t that great, but it would be well worth your time working through this thread.

- 8-Ball’s surgery progress picture thread

Originally Posted by korral
After I make real effort to make money I go at clinic and make surgery. But real surprise.. 1 month after surgery…

He has already had the surgery. He should read 8-Balls thread anyway.

Originally Posted by baywatch
First of all IMO you need to start hanging weights.

Originally Posted by korral
Thanks. I buy some thinks to make hanging device and I will finish device until my injury is gone. I think I will start with 2-2.5 pounds per day…


Hanging isn’t for new guys but it is what you are supposed to do as soon as you heal up from surgery. Starting at 2-2.5lbs or 1kg is a good idea. Be care full and don’t hurt yourself.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


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