Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thanks, Doc!


Thanks, Doc!

I am 19, and am supposedly in my prime. However, my erections are very weak. I asked my doctor, but he basically told me that it was in my mind, and 19 year olds shouldn’t have these problems. He was really helpful, as you can see. His son went to my high school, and I thought about slapping him around to get back at his ol’ daddy - but that wouldn’t be a positive solution, now would it?

Anyway, I have read that PE can help with this, but I was wondering if there was anything else that could do so also. Does anyone know of anything else? I guess I am desperate…

Well, your doc may be right, you are a bit too young to take Viagra. It may be all psychological. Stress can bring ed for sure. Do you smoke? I guess pe can help. It can make your penis stronger, it’s like a good massage. But go easy at first, I read on this forum somewhere that overdoing pe can result in ed.

Finally if it’s really serious go see a good doctor who would take you seriously. There are some tests to diagnose ed.

I’m with Sparky on this.

No offence, but weak erections at 19, is by vast majority influenced by insecurity. Taking supplements (Viagra) can and will create a dependency that basically is triggered by the mind.

My own short experience on PE tells me, that the pattern of my erections have changed. It has become a bit harder (but not by much), but it lasts longer after ejaculation. It should be noted, that I did not experience problems in getting erections before starting PE.

Kind regards TT

Some tips:
-Reduce or stop masturbation
-Reduce or stop watching porn (if you do)
-Quit smoking, alcohol or caffeine
-Eat helthy
-Do some sport
-And last but not least, do your Kegels

If you tried everything on the list and you still get weak erections make an appoinment with a doctor. Chill out, like Sparky and Trutemper said it’s probably in your head :) Good luck.

Thanks to everyone for all of the advice. As for an average, I drink less than a glass of wine/beer (usually red wine) a day. I don’t smoke, I don’t intake and caffeine, and I eat healthy.

I do not get that much exercise, and I do ejaculate (does it matter if it is masturbation or otherwise?) maybe once every two/three days. I will try to change these last two details as much as I can, and also buy some NOX2.

As for Viagra, I never really thought I would be put on it. I was just pissed at my doc for being so unhelpful. Oh well – who needs doctors when you have an internet community? : )

Definitely do some kegels though - it doesn’t cost you anything, and can give you much better erections.

You can't kill ideas with bullets!

i think the best solution is just slaping his son ;)

Agree with tbvlpower

Unless you have a family history of ED or you did something that would have damaged your penis, I am sure your ED stems from psychological vice physical reasons. What is your self esteem like? How much social interaction do you have? Is your erection strength based on masturbation or is this also during intercourse? Are you getting bored with masturbation?

I graduated hs, so his bastard son is safe. : )

Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to better myself instead. I’ll indeed start doing kegels as well - perhaps I better promise an update after I have done this for a while. Okay… I promise.

Other than the whole erection thing, my self-eteem is fine. I get plenty of social interaction, etc, etc. Perhaps the erection thing actually is a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. But where did it start? I don’t understand how this problem could have manifested itself without provocation.

What about performance anxiety?

Lots of kegels and a solid jelqing routine.


I don’t know. Maybe I worry about the weak erections because I have the weak erections because I worry about the weak erections because I have the weak erections because I worry about the weak erections because I have the weak erections because I worry about the weak erections because I have the weak erections because I worry about the weak erections because I have the weak erections because I worry about the weak erections because I have the weak erections because…

Well, you get the idea.

I think the only things I can do are what was suggested here.

I am not aware of any kind of anxiety or anything. I just know that the erections are weaker than they should be. So I don’t know what to do about that.


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