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The ideal 8x6


The ideal 8x6

I have a question for everyone. When a guy on this forum says they want to be 8x6, does that means 8 inches NBPEL or 8 inches BPEL? I’m just curious so I know what kind of gains I need to make. If it’s NBPEL I need to gain about 2 inches, if it’s NBPEL I have to gain closer to 1.4 inches in length. Of course I’d be extremely satisfied(and I do mean extremely) if I grew even 1 inch to take me to roughly 7 NBPEL.

Originally Posted by justlearning
I have a question for everyone. When a guy on this forum says they want to be 8x6, does that means 8 inches NBPEL or 8 inches BPEL? I’m just curious so I know what kind of gains I need to make. If it’s NBPEL I need to gain about 2 inches, if it’s NBPEL I have to gain closer to 1.4 inches in length. Of course I’d be extremely satisfied(and I do mean extremely) if I grew even 1 inch to take me to roughly 7 NBPEL.

Some will specify “I’d like to be 8 inches BP”, while others won’t. Once you get to the 8” BP area, you’ll be looking big enough to say you have an 8 inch penis to a girl and she’d believe you (or you can say “I’m about 8 inches”, and still be telling the truth :) ).

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

The ideal 8X6 would be NBPEL.

I think that 8x6 NBP is preferable, aesthetically, to 8x6 BP (which translates to 7” length visible for the average guy), but as far as function, opinion varies: some say that 8 NBP is longer than ideal.

I’ve always figured NBP but lately I’ve been rethinking that goal. I bottomed out with the little lady occasionally at 7 NBP and considerably more often as I approach 7.25 NBP. I may change the goal in the future as I approach 7.5 NBP unless “things” change. From my understanding the vagina can expand to accommodate more girth but not length so easily.

Normal guys have an inch of fat pad? I though half an inch was “normal”.

[5/22/07 - BPEL( 7.875) - NBPEL ( 7.1875) - EG (4.75)] [8/22/07 - BPEL( 8.0) - NBPEL ( 7.5) - EG (4.875)]

[12/22/07 - BPEL( 8.1875) - NBPEL ( 7.625) - EG (4.875)] [4/22/08 - BPEL( 8.357) - NBPEL ( 7.75) - EG (5)]

Goal: To gain that evasive girth I so desperately need.

Mine is about a quarter inch, but it’s commonly said around here that 1” is typical. Even 2-3” is not unheard of.

Originally Posted by losiglow
I’ve always figured NBP but lately I’ve been rethinking that goal. I bottomed out with the little lady occasionally at 7 NBP and considerably more often as I approach 7.25 NBP. I may change the goal in the future as I approach 7.5 NBP unless “things” change. From my understanding the vagina can expand to accommodate more girth but not length so easily.

This probably the best comment I have heard so far.

Originally Posted by justlearning
I have a question for everyone. When a guy on this forum says they want to be 8x6, does that means 8 inches NBPEL or 8 inches BPEL? I’m just curious so I know what kind of gains I need to make. If it’s NBPEL I need to gain about 2 inches, if it’s NBPEL I have to gain closer to 1.4 inches in length. Of course I’d be extremely satisfied(and I do mean extremely) if I grew even 1 inch to take me to roughly 7 NBPEL.

Just because a lot of guys around here think that size maybe ideal doesn’t necessarily mean it is. Most of the guys that think it is are no where being near that size. Ask the 8x6er’s about blow jobs. I bet they feel teeth. Ask if they get a lot of anal. Hell no. So how ideal is 8x6? They may have great vaginal sex, but ideal to me is to the sex best sex in all the orifices.
My goal was 7.5 BPEL X 5.5 EG which I thought, and still do, is ideal. Guess what, I over shot my goal. I am 8.125 BPEL X 5.8 EG. My girth was too much for my wife to handle. From having sex almost every night to almost no sex at all. The quality of blow jobs went down, I started to feel teeth, a lot. A sharp tooth will turn an erection to a turtle, and I loved the blow jobs before the girth. I can’t stick all of my dick in my wife cause the base of my dick is well over 6 inches. I used to love touching pelvic to pelvic. Be careful what you wish for. My wife and I were PEing together (her helping me) to customize my dick, only to be told that I wasn’t PEing for the both of us, but for my ego. We went from having a lot of sex fun to a lot of arguments about sex, because it was to fat for her or, hey watch the teeth. I haven’t PE’d in over 7 months hoping I would loose some girth gains. Guess what, my girth gains cemented, I was hoping to go down to 5.5 EG.
Justlearning pick a realistic goal and go from there and see and feel what is good and ideal for you in what you feel with women and how women feel with you. Ideal and satisfaction as far as feeling goes work hand and hand. Bigger is not necessarily better.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
This probably the best comment I have heard so far.

Just because a lot of guys around here think that size maybe ideal doesn’t necessarily mean it is. Most of the guys that think it is are no where being near that size. Ask the 8x6er’s about blow jobs. I bet they feel teeth. Ask if they get a lot of anal. Hell no. So how ideal is 8x6? They may have great vaginal sex, but ideal to me is to the sex best sex in all the orifices.
My goal was 7.5 BPEL X 5.5 EG which I thought, and still do, is ideal. Guess what, I over shot my goal. I am 8.125 BPEL X 5.8 EG. My girth was too much for my wife to handle. From having sex almost every night to almost no sex at all. The quality of blow jobs went down, I started to feel teeth, a lot. A sharp tooth will turn an erection to a turtle, and I loved the blow jobs before the girth. I can’t stick all of my dick in my wife cause the base of my dick is well over 6 inches. I used to love touching pelvic to pelvic. Be careful what you wish for. My wife and I were PEing together (her helping me) to customize my dick, only to be told that I wasn’t PEing for the both of us, but for my ego. We went from having a lot of sex fun to a lot of arguments about sex, because it was to fat for her or, hey watch the teeth. I haven’t PE’d in over 7 months hoping I would loose some girth gains. Guess what, my girth gains cemented, I was hoping to go down to 5.5 EG.
Justlearning pick a realistic goal and go from there and see and feel what is good and ideal for you in what you feel with women and how women feel with you. Ideal and satisfaction as far as feeling goes work hand and hand. Bigger is not necessarily better.

One of the best realistic comments yet. I have been wondering what would be better, a 7 or a 7.5 at somewhere between 5.25-50 girth. My girl really has to open her mouth to except me now. I am just below 5 in girth. So tomorrow will be the first time she has had me at my new size from 6 to 6.25 and a 1/6th under 5 girth.

As I am gaining, I will monitor how she handles it. Vaginal should be fine with her up to at least 7nbpel and 5.25 girth but oral may be a different story. I’m sure at some point she will mention the size especially when I hit the 6.5 length mark.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
Most of the guys that think it is are no where being near that size. Ask the 8x6er’s about blow jobs. I bet they feel teeth. Ask if they get a lot of anal. Hell no. So how ideal is 8x6? They may have great vaginal sex, but ideal to me is to the sex best sex in all the orifices.

Yup, I’ve had 6” girth since being sexually active, and blowjobs have generally been pathetic, and anal is typically out of the question (though some hardcore anal addicts, such as AndroNYC, claim that any woman can be coaxed into it with sufficient effort ;) ). But in my experience, the problems you’ve encountered with vaginal sex with your wife are unusual — she must have a particularly small vagina — although even with a more typically sized woman, a large girth often means that extensive foreplay is needed every time you have sex (no quickies), extra lube may be needed, and a long “recovery” period between sex sessions may be necessary. So I really don’t think that aiming for over 6” girth makes much sense, unless you’ve settled down with a woman who you know will love it (and you don’t mind the potential downsides yourself). Some PEers get carried away in their goals.

On the length side, for some reason I’ve never had a problem with 8” NBP, but many guys do report not being able to go in all the way with such length. I think this has to do with variations in penis shape or something.

Interesting that the posts are about being to big. Maybe average is natures way of allowing
Men to be with any woman.
Personally, I wouldn’t want to be any bigger than 7.5x5.5. This seems to still allow one to be with any woman.

Ever watch some of the Porn videos with the huge dick guys? Some of the girls are really struggling.

I’m like 5.75-5.8 inches in girth, and blowjobs have been underwhelming to say the least. Girls can’t go past the head and it’s actually really frustrating. I can’t imagine more length would be bad for blowjobs because they’ll still take the same amount in their month regardless of my length. Say the girl can take 6 inches. Whether my penis is 9 or 6 inches she’ll take 6 inches. But if it’s a big girth, doesn’t matter your length because she isn’t going very far.

Unless the girl has a big mouth, I generally have a problem with teeth, not really sure what to do. I obviously can’t decrease my girth and I want length. It’s pretty much impossible to target only length in PE, so I assume my girth will grow slightly.

Here I was thinking that 8x6 had it best with sex.

Start: 5.75 inch BPEL 4.75 inch girth BSEG (Nov 1 2007)

Current: 7.4 inch BPEL 5.4 inch MSEG 5.75 inch BSEG (Oct 24 2009)

Goal: 7 inch NBPEL 5.5 inch EG=> New Goal: 7.75 inch BPEL 5.75 MSEG

Originally Posted by Damnwork
Normal guys have an inch of fat pad? I though half an inch was "normal".

What was your thinking about that based on?

Here’s a poll that averages out to an inch (more votes would be good). I think there is another one that arrived at about the same result but my search didn’t locate it.

How thick is your fatpad?

Originally Posted by Damnwork

Normal guys have an inch of fat pad? I though half an inch was “normal”.

I have an inch fat pad. Mainly because I did no jogging last year due to sore knees (my doctor is still trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with them). However, I’m sure it varies from person to person.

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