The new guy
I came here.I think around last month. I really didn’t think it would work.but still I tried a few times, and for some reason, it felt like it was bigger after I was done.nothing weird or anything, but it was enough that I could tell.probably because I had just gotten done stretching it or something.but it’s been about a month now, and my grith (or however you spell it) has increased nicely. I never really felt it would work.but I guess I was wrong.. :)
But any way on to my real question
What I do is
Every time I go tinkle I do a lil 2 or 3 min. stretching, and every time I do a big job, or take a shower I do the full thing I do
30, 5 second stretches up, middle, and down
Then I do this certain kinda jelqing I guess, 30 to 40 times
Then I do a whole 5 min. stretches whenever I go to bed
Is there anything I am doing wrong, or doing right.or anything else I should be doing.
Help me out