Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The pain of size insecurity and my journey to a solution.

The pain of size insecurity and my journey to a solution.

Firstly I thank Thunders sincerely for this site and all the members that answered some of my question unknowingly as I was a silent reader.

I had insecurities issues about myself and somehow my penis size was also a part of it. And so I searched through the internet at an internet cafe to sought a remedy. Then I found out that certain types of steroids increase penis size. Problem is steroids are illegal here, one needs a prescription from a doctor to buy such pharmaceutical products. And another important aspect is money, and I can’t even afford certain necessities and fulfill essential amenities(such as having a personal computer and an internet access). Therefore that prospect was out of the picture. Still I tried calling up pharmacies asking about anabolic steroids, I went up and down various hospitals but to no avail. And then I read that circumcision could increase penis size during puberty as there is no restriction of foreskin so the tissues are not hindered and are free to grow. And so I went to a gp to get referred to an urologist to get circumcision. Since I went through a doctor in the polyclinic(because it’s cheaper because of the government subsidies) but the urologist turned me down stating that I do not have phimosis and a non-Muslim hence I am not entitled to circumcision.(I tried convincing her trying to say that it’s more hygienic and I have excess foreskin/turkey neck). Still that failed.

So I returned back to searching through the internet day after day, hopefully finding another solution. Of course good old Wikipedia had stated about pumping, hanging and jelqing but risks mentioned were nerve damages and impotence. And then I read through an article about surgery that involves cutting the suspensory ligament to expose the inner penis and fats/silicon injection. As you would have guessed money was the issue and not to mention the complications involved in surgeries. So I turned down that idea as well.

Then I heard that certain herbs could stimulate the leydig cells to produce more testosterone. But one had to be aware of the ratio of the actual concentrate to the other ingredients. Again I went searching through the net and local pharmacies to get a decent product but nothing was close to my budget.

Back to the internet and let’s not even talk about paysites..

Finally after some sleepless nights of browsing through countless sites I read about a guy mentioning about Thunder’s so I checked it out and had a pleasant surprise. Here there were men like me dedicated to enlarging their penis. There were safe and effective exercises programmed to get gains. Different exercises explained in detail. Members of all walks of life, contributing a great share of their knowledge into this incredible site. Theories on how the tissues grow and how to get gains. A glossary of various terms of the penis. As a person first time reading a penis enlargement forum, I was slightly skeptical but overall it made sense. Bur it all added up when we look at the scientific aspect of it so it should work. I started reading during late November last year. I was only able to get online three times a week up to two hours each time since I did not own a pc with an internet connection.

During the beginning of December last year I decided that having a pc with an internet connection, by my side would make things easier. That was when I retrieved money from my savings account to buy a pc and signed up an internet connection. When I got that done I would spend an hour everyday browsing through the newbie forum, reading the common questions that newbies would ask and I started to get familiar with how pe worked, Thunders stated that he was going to open registration sometime after New Year, so I spent the whole day on New Year’s day pacific time to get registered. And finally I was able to do so. I am so grateful for that, previously I was unable to download the videos, do searches and read member’s diaries. Initially I got shock at the amount of content, it was a labyrinthine full of threads, I had no idea where to start. There is a whole lot more forums. And the table on the side now was updated with recent posts that was also non-pe related which was frustrating. But the content just overflows with newly added threads and I’m unable to keep up with them.

I hope to get through this journey with sheer determination and patience to achieve my dream size.

Last edited by iamaru : 01-07-2008 at .

Damn! Sorry I forgot that editting is only allowed for the first 10mins. Mods please delete the first post.

Got it.

Evergrowing, welcome to the forums! Just so you know, steroids will not give you a bigger penis. On the plus side the exercises here will give you both a larger and healthier penis.

It sounds like money might be an issue with you being online so I would suggest downloading the videos and copying explanations that you find helpful. That way if you loose you internet connection you are covered.

Penis Enlargement Videos
A Quickstart Guide to Manual Exercises
Penis Enlargement Manual

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Certain water-based roids could conceivably give one the appearance of a larger penis; but it would only be the result of water retention, an outcome which could just as easily be accomplished by drinking a few more glasses of water than usual.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Originally Posted by iamaru
Got it.

Evergrowing, welcome to the forums! Just so you know, steroids will not give you a bigger penis. On the plus side the exercises here will give you both a larger and healthier penis.

It sounds like money might be an issue with you being online so I would suggest downloading the videos and copying explanations that you find helpful. That way if you loose you internet connection you are covered.

Penis Enlargement Videos
A Quickstart Guide to Manual Exercises
Penis Enlargement Manual

Thanks iamaru, androgenic steroids that contain hgh and teestosterone have been said to increase penis size my friend. Oh man, I said delete the first post but you deleted the second post which I had grammar corrections and had added afew more things in it. Is there a way you can undo it?

I’ve read about steroids, can’t really remember the links but I’m pretty sure it does. But I’m not doing drugs anyways.

By the way, what does “legwn legewn onoma moi oti polloi esmen ” mean? Just curious, sounds like Greek to me(no pun intended!)

Evergrowing - that was a great post to me. I had insecurities 8 months ago I do not have today. The only thing that has changed is my penis size and my study / practicing of PE. So either one or both of those things has helped me inwardly somewhere.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

Evergrowing, there is no easy overnight solution to enlarging your dick. No creams, no roids.
But my suggestion is start with the newbie routine, download the videaos, and also I would suggest copy paste to a word file the posts which you find very helpful.

Happy gains!

I screwed the pooch on that my friend and apologize. I have been having problems connecting to the forum and it took a number of attempts and 15 minutes before it would let me delete the post. As very bad luck would have it when it finally let me alter your thread I had clicked on the wrong one. I don’t think I can change it back.

I have run the remaining post past spell check to clean it up but that is as far as my super powers go. I also reported my screw up to the moderators in the dim hope that someone can fix it for me, (pretty positive that gone is gone.)

It is Greek. It is Mark 5:9
Mark 5 - Parallel Greek New Testament - HTML Bible by

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Iamaru uses a telegraph line and a 28.8 modem. When he hits the lotto he may get a DSL thingy. Oblivion is where it went to me, only higher ups would know and that isn’t me.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by Chicken
Evergrowing, there is no easy overnight solution to enlarging your dick. No creams, no roids.
But my suggestion is start with the newbie routine, download the videos, and also I would suggest copy paste to a word file the posts which you find very helpful.

Happy gains!

So true sir, increasing the size of a part of your body permanently and safely won’t happen within one night/fortnight/month or maybe even a year. I am not too sure that cream as a whole is a bogus. Topical steroids have been known to cure phimosis and creams that contain butea superba helps with increasing blood flow. I have already started the newbie routine (with a slight variation). I’ve downloaded all the videos and viewed the newbie exercises, although ulis,sadsaks and jelq squeezes are untouched as for now. And I’ve been doing the copying and pasting of useful posts into word files since the beginning. It’s always good to read them often and commit them to heart. Thank you sir.

If nothing else has changed I copied the text from the deleted post and placed it into the post that was left in this thread. Hope I didn’t mess things up more.

Thank you West.

I just gave it a quick spell check and correction.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by Evergrowing
Thanks iamaru, androgenic steroids that contain hgh and testosterone have been said to increase penis size my friend.

So have Enzyte and VigRx.

Doesn’t make it true.

Originally Posted by Chicken
Evergrowing, there is no easy overnight solution to enlarging your dick. No creams, no roids.
But my suggestion is start with the newbie routine, download the videos, and also I would suggest copy paste to a word file the posts which you find very helpful.

Well said.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


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