Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The power of confidence

The power of confidence

Hi all. Just thought I’d post a progress report on how things are going and some thoughts. Might be valuable, might not be.but I find everyones input on this site, no matter what it is to be helpful in some way. It has helped change my life around so much in the past 2 months that I feel I owe alot in return.

I started out just under 7” BPEL and 4.5” EL for what it’s worth, and flaccid length of just under 4” and 3.5” girth. Funny thing is I’ve never worried a great deal about erect size, it’s more my flaccid size thats the hassle. Being 6’5, broad, deep voice and loud.I guess having the appendage to match would’ve been nice, but thats is life. I think were all here to learn lessons and mine definitely is to learn that you can’t always be perfect (not just a body issue, but a life issue). It has been great for me over the past years learning that if you put in effort with your body, you get results. Up until now I didnt realise this is also the case with mans other best friend.

I have been comparitively light stretching and jelqing in the shower for around 15 minutes every 2nd or third day, for the reasons I think my body suffers a bit from fatigue. I havent slept very well for quite a long while for various reasons so I’m not pushing anything to hard, including PE. In this time I’ve noticed sensitivity is unbelievable and the sensations I’ve had during sex and self entertainment are uncomparable to before. My ejaculations are enormous and at a distance that really is funny at times. Overall my whole sex life has become like it was when I first discovered porn at 13!

I could go on forever but I want to say that for those that are sceptical, I was definitely one of them, PE does work. Even if I don’t gain any more size, my erection quality, and even look of my penis is healthier than it’s ever been before. My flacid length is 4.5” and girth 4” and while this still looks small on a big guy, I’m much much happier at how healthy it looks. Tonigh I had my first experience with edging of which I held my erection 4 times in a row at full pressure at the base for 15 seconds, thats all. 5 minutes after I did this I measured a BPEL of 7.5” and girth of 4.8”. I was astounded, and left speechless for a while. My gf has no idea I’ve been doing any exercises, so I just asked her out of curiosity if I had changed. She’s laughed when I asked until she saw what I did. ‘What the f.’ was all I got and looks of ‘how the hell?’ Safe to say my ego reached a height it hasnt seen, well, ever and I walked around all day like I was the shit! Having a big penis doesnt equal happiness I know, but resolving internal issues can make your outlook on life change dramatically.

I know I’m not hung, I never will be. But you know what, with the confidence that PE has given me, I really don’t care. For a bloke who has suffered body issues all his life, happiness has never shined so bright..

Sorry for the long post, as I said, I just want to give a little back from what I’ve got.

Great post 7x5bloke, very inspirational. Confidence is the key to getting ahead in life and discovering PE and Thunder’s has helped me out no end…:thumbs:

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Originally Posted by 7x5bloke

I know I’m not hung, I never will be.

NEVER EVER !!! EVER!!!! SAY NEVER. I personally believe if you really want to, you CAN get hung. gl mate

With an attitude like that you’ll never be hung. Maybe if you turn that attitude around you’ll be hanging down to your knees soon.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

“Having a big penis doesnt equal happiness I know,”

Yes it does!


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