The Sadsak Slinky
Hi there, I’m moving into my 5th month of P.E and I want to try the Sadsak Slinky excercise. However, I can’t work out how to do it from the photos, and for some strange reason the videos on this site don’t work, for me at least. Could someone just clarify this for me?
1. You grip your warmed up semi erect penis at the base and under the glans, and bend your cock.
2. Raise and control the hand that is gripping under the glans to move the bend from near the base up your shaft.
3. If you’re doing one rep downwards, if you do it right your hand should be moving up and down in order to get the bend to move.
Am I right? the motion I’m attempting does look like I’m playing with a slinky.
Starting BPEL: 7.0, EG: 5.0
My Dream: BPEL 8.0, EG 6.0