Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thick, Plump and Heavy

Thick, Plump and Heavy

I haven’t been jelqing for very long, however, I have found that even a light routine is enough for my penis to become more dense and fleshy. I usually jelq in the shower with some body oil. Today I tried just 50 light and gentle strokes and I got pretty thick.

Last week I did 250 slightly stronger jelqs and my dick got a little worn out. I also jerked off afterwards and released 3 days worth of semen. He was a little spent. I had to rest for a few days.

Anyway, I decided to take it real easy today and just did 50. Oh man, I got super hard fast! My dick was throbbing! The head was so engorged. My erection was so strong it felt like it was trying to push itself out more. It felt like I was holding a baseball bat. Incredible feeling!

Well, I proceeded to beat off — I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t waste a good erection. And I was fine the rest of the day. He didn’t feel worn out at all.

Anyone have similar experiences or sensations?

Overtraining is a bad thing. We all know this :)

50 light strokes might be undertraining. You are looking for something that will cause permanent deformation of your penis. This is not an easy thing. Try gradually ramping up to the full newbie routine.

The dick feeling tired out at the end can be a good sign. The Dick tired out and turtled is however a bad sign.

Originally Posted by memento
The Dick tired out and turtled is however a bad sign.

What is this ‘turtled’ you speak of?

To Jon Soo Kwan:

I think ‘turtled’ is another word for ‘shrinkage’. Under great stress penile tissue can sometimes pull back on itself like a turtle’s head.


Thanks for the response, memento. How does a light workout deform the penis?

Well, it doesn’t really, what he was saying is you need to build up from a light routine to a moderate/heavy routine, otherwise you’re going to injure your penis and not gain anything.

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Originally Posted by ijkhoff
Thanks for the response, memento. How does a light workout deform the penis?

It doesn’t thats what he says, you will have to increase the intensity to try and deform your capillaries to take more blood at any one time and try to keep it that way, resulting in gains.

50 light strokes will probably only be filing your penis to its normal state, you need to push it beyond that for growth.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"


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