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Thunder's Place Meetings - AUSTRALIA

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Thunder's Place Meetings - AUSTRALIA

The Newbie Forum is one of four “public” forums here at Thunder’s Place. Anyone can visit and read the messages. I’ve posted a message in one of the member’s only forums about my upcoming visit to Australia, but realized today that not everyone who visits the site can read it.

So I’m repeating it here. If you’re a forum member in Oz and want to join us at one of the four TP meetings in October, please go to the original post to let us know you’ll be there.

AUSTRALIA - Thunder’s Place Meetings

If you’re not a forum member, but read things in the Newbie Forum, you won’t be able to respond. However, you’ll have the information anyway and might want to join us. As we make decisions about where we’re going to meet I’ll post new information in this thread. Otherwise it will be closed to posting by members because I’d like to keep the “reservations” all in the other thread.

Originally Posted by westla90069
Some of you may be aware that I’ve organized local meetings of Thunder’s Place members when I’ve been traveling in the States. We’ve had enjoyable TP meetings in New York City (annually, now in our sixth year), Seattle, San Francisco, Honolulu and Los Angeles. Next month I’ll be visiting Australia and I hope to have the same success there.

Our meetings are simply dinner (tea) and drinks with Internet friends. There’s nothing sexual about them and the topic of conversation is rarely about dick pulling. We meet in popular restaurants that can accommodate a group (usually three to eight guys) and that have a license for wine or liquor. You may remain anonymous if you like or share as much as you wish about yourself.

I’ve got a ton of things planned for myself during the four weeks I’ll be in Oz and have selected an available day in each of the capital cities I’ll be visiting for the four meetings I’m proposing. They are:

ADELAIDE - Saturday, 9th Oct. I’ll be staying at the Country Comfort motor inn at Gepps Cross and I’ll have a hire car so I can meet up anywhere.

MELBOURNE - Saturday, 16th Oct. I’m staying at a bed & breakfast in Carlton. I’ll be relying on trams for transportation.

BRISBANE - Saturday, 23th Oct. I’m staying at a bed & breakfast in New Farm and I’ll have a car so I can meet anywhere.

SYDNEY - Saturday, 30th Oct. I’ll be staying at the Hyde Park Inn on Elizabeth St. I’ll use public transportation to get around.

I’ve been in contact with some TP members already asking for suggestions about which restaurant would be suitable in each city. Here’s what I have so far:

Adelaide - Star of Siam, 67 Gouger St., (08) 8231 3527.

Melbourne - nothing yet

Brisbane - nothing yet

Sydney - “Probably the best thing would be to go to a pub, they usually do a range of food and of course drinks are not a question… Most of my favourites are Asian styles, Japanese at the top.”
Sydney - “There are a lot of restaurants close by Taylor Square in the Oxford St. area, but anyone from the suburbs would need to drive and parking is possible, but not easy, or catch train/bus. It might be easier in a suburban location, also near a train station. It would be best to choose a ‘bring your own wine’ place to keep costs down if that is an issue. There is a great Greek place with an upstairs room for bigger groups which I go to nearby but it is not BYOW and mains are $25+, and wine $30 per bottle.”

If you’re interested in meeting some of your fellow Aussie TP members, and yours truly, please post a response here. Let us know which city and if you have a restaurant suggestion I’d love to hear it.

If I don’t get at least two guys to join me for a meeting then we’ll let it go for that city. Wouldn’t want it to look like a date! :)

OK, here’s where we are for the Thunder’s Place Australia meetings.

Adelaide - 9 Oct, time not determined.

Restaurant: Star of Siam (Thai), 67 Gouger St, or Pondok Bali (Indonesian), 310 Pulteney St, have been suggested.

To attend: WestLA, Tweaking, oz, cupsforeveryone.

Melbourne - 16 Oct, time not determined.

Restaurant: None suggested so far.

To attend: WestLA, m0ses, and Frednierck (who is available only between 1 and 5 PM).

Brisbane - 23 Oct, time not determined.

Restaurant: None suggested so far.

To attend: West LA is eating alone at this point.

Sydney - 30 Oct, time not determined.

Restaurant: None suggested so far.

To attend: WestLA, secjay, PEnine, Braingasm (will try), and boner7484 (is considering).


The Pondok on Pulteney Str City has been booked for Sat the 9th at 7pm under the name “OZ”..

Anyone who’s up can follow through to Mars Bar afterwards :)

See you there,


Was - NBPEL 6.5" BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5.5" Now - NPBEL 8.1" BPEL 8.7" MSEG 6.3"

The Melbourne meeting has fallen through. One of those who responded early hasn’t been back to the forums to check on the location and the other one can’t make it on the day it was scheduled.

The Brisbane meeting is also canceled since no one has expressed any interest.

There will be a Sydney meeting, perhaps in a suburb, but a decision on where hasn’t been made.

The Sydney meeting will be 30 Oct at a restaurant on Oxford St. in Darlinghurst. I’ll have the name and time as soon as they’re agreed upon. Right now it looks like there will be at least three of us with two additional people possible. Anyone who wants to show up is welcome.

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