Originally Posted by xbone89
Thanks the replies guys, Gprent how many girth blasters should I start with ?
I think it is best to start off with regular jelqing and get conditioned to that. I am not a counter, but go by time. Once I was conditioned I would do regular jelqs for 20 minutes per session. For girth I like to jelq with a 80 to 90 percent erection level so as you perform the jelq you will feel the internal pressure build to expand the tunica.
Then after getting conditioned to regular jelqs, perfect the jelq squeeze technique and once you get that down, move on to girth blasters. With both jelq squeeze and girth blasters, at an erection level of 90%, you will feel an amazing amount of internal pressure to expand the tunica, so you have to be careful not to go overboard. You don’t want to do them with a full erection, because then the tunica is too rigid to get a good stretch from internal pressure expansion. The tunica needs to stay flexible.
When you are ready to start the jelq squeeze, I would start out at no more then 5 minutes and monitor your results from there before deciding to go for longer time.
I consider pumping to be my main PE method, so for the long term, you may want to consider eventually adding that to your routine.