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Tiny Balls


Tiny Balls

Alright guys, don’t know if any one can answer this question, but are there any ways to increase the size of the ‘boys’ aside from HCG(injectable)?

Any help would be appreciated.

Yes, there is a mexican herb whose name escapes me now. Someone else will know what I am talking about for sure. Apologies.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Clomid and damiana. I probably spelled both wrong.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Would nolvadex work the same? Clomid gives me some bad acne. Never heard of damiana, I’ll give it a search.

If you don’t want to take pills you could consider pumping. I know that this can give the appearance of a big sac, although I don’t know how long it lasts.

I’ve thought about ball-modifying techniques myself but figured I don’t want to mess around with the testes until I know they have served their physiological function…i.e making babies!

Not sac, balls, well I guess it’s good at my age, lesser chance of getting some one pregnant.

It only takes one sperm cell. Small balls still produce millions. Don’t take any chances.

Er, so how do you solve enlarging balls? I want mine to be as big as baseballs. (lolz)

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

I think I’m just going to stick with nolva/a dex, most of the shrinkage has been from AS and me foolishly only doing nolva/clomid for PCT w/o HCG(HCG got held up at customs). For normal people ball shrinkage should not be a problem.

------------ Start Nov.03 5.9BPEL 4.5EG Current 6.1BPEL 5.0EG Goal 7.1BPEL 6.0EG

My balls are medium-small with tight skin. I’m not so sure about trying to actually enlarge them. I think stretching the skin and allowing them to hang more will go a long way towards their appearance. There are rings, special leather devices, or simply gentle stretching in the shower will do it in time.

Sac stretching is a good way to make your balls hang lower, and I would highly recommend you get into it. All balls look bigger when they’re swinging like wrecking balls. =P

As far as actually increasing the mass though…like others have said, herbs probably work (haven’t tried any myself)…but there’s also ball-pumping. I would only get into pumping though if you really think you NEED bigger balls. No one knows the long-term effects of ball pumping (it could be bad news for your sperm…you might go impotent)…but that’s the main way to get some massive balls.

If you do get into pumping, I’d suggest getting a special-made ball pumper. Do NOT pump your balls in a regular penis-pump tube…that will stretch your balls out lengthwise and you’ll be unhappy with the final result, trust me. A special ball-pumper pumps your balls into a large, oval-like orb, thus pumping them in the natural shape and contour they’re supposed to be anyway. Some guys have gotten massive balls with ball-pumpers.

Other than pumping, drink as much water as possible, and eat lots of good healthy foods (fruits and veggies go a long way). I’ve noticed my nuts hang extraordinarily large and low when I’ve got lots of water in me and eating lots of healthy stuff.


I have certainly seen pictures of massive balls post-pump, but I wonder are these gains are permanent?

WHO CARES ABOUT BALLS?!?!!? Get a big dick, that is where it is at, believe me on this one.

xlmagnum I think if you had small balls you would think different.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


I have average sized balls, and they have never hindered me from anything

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