Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

too big.


too big.

hi again. This has probably been asked too, but how big is too big?

I mean, too big as in too big to pleasure a girl. too big to a point where it becomes painful for her. I know its different for different girls, but what would be the “line” so to speak…

thanks again.

9 and above is too big, all the girl needs is 4.5 to 8.2

Bpel = 7

Nbpel = 5.2

Eg = 4.7

Not true. It depends on the girl. Ask cow pussy expert, Regular White Guy. I’m well over 9” and the Mrs. has yet to complain about my size. Doggy style is always best for us. Guess that’s why it’s always been my favorite position.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Originally Posted by horsehung
Not true. It depends on the girl. Ask cow pussy expert, Regular White Guy. I’m well over 9” and the Mrs. has yet to complain about my size. Doggy style is always best for us. Guess that’s why it’s always been my favorite position.


Well consider, too, that the doggy position isn’t allowing the entire length of your cock in because you usually have her buttocks up against your groin. You can get deeper penetration though with here astride, facing your feet.

But whatever works, Horse. I am all for whatever works.



From what I’ve read, 9 inches seems to be that point where a good portion of women cannot handle what you’re packin’. This is BPEL too. I know that there are many women who can handle much more, but in most cases, once you get 9 inches into her, you can start causing some damage. However, this is just length. You asked size in general. You can have a 6 inch long dick that’s 9 inches thick (as ridiculous as that may sound) and most girls couldn’t handle that either. Again, my own input from what I’ve read seems to be that girls can’t handle much more that 25 cubic inches. Some girls can take that plus much more, but you asked for a line, and that’s where I’d personally put it.

I know that 6 1/4 bp was never too long with even one of a dozen women. They all took that easily. Now at 7 1/4 bp my wife takes that quite well. I believe many women can take much more than many men realise they can. I can’t speak from experience of course, but I’ve heard enough stories in my years to make a believer out of me. However, womens’ sizes are going to vary just like men do. Just because a guy can touch bottom doesn’t mean she can’t take at least a couple of inches more as her bottom can get pushed back I believe. I think the average woman can take at least 9 bp when fully aroused, tented, expanded, and stretchable. A woman built bigger can handle way over that when pushed to the max. Smaller built women will be less than 9 bp.

Last edited by beenthere : 11-13-2004 at .

With 8bp I hurt all Asian women and some Caucasian.

I think most women would need to be “broken in” in order to fit 8” BPEL comfortably, but there would be some that won’t be able to accomodate it even with practice.

The short answer is that it depends on the woman’s equipment. My ultimate goal is about 9” BPEL as long as my wife can handle that much. She has no problem with 8” BPEL.

Now now now,

RWG’s wife is asian and she takes his (he’s huge.)

If they’re properly aroused, 8 x 6” NBP is fine for most women — but you can expect that half of them will need substantial “recovery” time (24+ hours) before having sex again (assuming you are banging for at least 20 or 30 minutes). Many women can probably accomodate more. Certainly, though, if you haven’t settled down with a particular woman who you know can handle it, I wouldn’t recommend going above 8.5” NBP length or 6.5” girth.

If they’re not properly aroused, women can experience pain from even an average sized penis.


Good point. Maybe that’s why she’s always been more comfortable my doing it doggy style.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


The women in my life has a thing for really large penises. Thus the reason i began to search for a way to make mine bigger.

I wanted to keep it a surprise on what I’m doing. Just slowly grow to what she wants, but I don’t wanna get too big for her. I know this is talking in like, years, but you know, mabye…

Like some of the other guys said 9 inches NBP is to me the beginning of too big. And girth wise I would say 6.5” EG.

I think that it really depends on the woman. WOmen vary in size just as men do. My g/f had a hard time handling 6” (+/-). I sometimes hurt her in any position and we have to stop. It’s become easier with time for her and she can handle much better now. Hopefully, IF I mae any gains, she will appreciate them :)

mofo, there is another thread on this same topic that may give you some more insights. Plus it has a link to a cool webpage where they took a poll on the ideal size.

Here the thread:

Ideal penis size for women

And here’s the link to the site (just in case you are one of those members that don’t like to read too much):

The Ideal Penis Size - The Penis Size Preference Chart: preferred penis size, penis shape and penis looks.

I LOVE this place!! So much to read, so little time!


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