Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Too much curve

Too much curve

Hey all

I discovered pe a long time ago. Where I started and experienced really good PIs . I stopped when I read IMO a discouraging thread about cementing your gains.

Anyway I’m trying to get back into it and I have a question about my curve. It’s upwards but is a nasty curve. Here’s what I mean, I measure right on 6” nbep BUT with my curve I can hit the ruler at 5.5-5.75. And I’m wondering if this bend is to much seeing that it takes a good .5” away.

Was wondering what other guys with curves measure at and if they have had issues with to much of a curve. It bothers me because I’m a virgin and I’m afraid of what a woman might think (because it’s a pretty prominent feature). And the fact that it takes .5” away I’m wondering if they will not “feel” it or w/e.

If I could get some input on the curve, or some help on how to reduce the curve that would be awesome. I’m posting this from my phone so I’m sorry for any typos and what not.

For anyone that’s curious my girth is around 5” to 5.25. Haven’t measured in a while tho


I have a horrible curve. Measures 7” NBP along the curve. 6” if I straighten it. Mine also curves down.

Whats up Ymerej Esouhtaerg!

Originally Posted by puggles
Hey all

I discovered pe a long time ago. Where I started and experienced really good PIs . I stopped when I read IMO a discouraging thread about cementing your gains.

Anyway I’m trying to get back into it and I have a question about my curve. It’s upwards but is a nasty curve. Here’s what I mean, I measure right on 6” nbep BUT with my curve I can hit the ruler at 5.5-5.75. And I’m wondering if this bend is to much seeing that it takes a good .5” away.

Was wondering what other guys with curves measure at and if they have had issues with to much of a curve. It bothers me because I’m a virgin and I’m afraid of what a woman might think (because it’s a pretty prominent feature). And the fact that it takes .5” away I’m wondering if they will not “feel” it or w/e.

If I could get some input on the curve, or some help on how to reduce the curve that would be awesome. I’m posting this from my phone so I’m sorry for any typos and what not.

For anyone that’s curious my girth is around 5” to 5.25. Haven’t measured in a while tho


Some women actually prefer an upward curve.

Apparently, there’s a better chance that you will stimulate their G-spot that way when you have intercourse in missionary position.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


From your description of your curve, it does not sound too I wouldn’t worry too much.As lampwick mentioned, it’s a great tool to attack in missionary position :)

I will encourage you, to research more on the forum, cause you’re not the only one and there are plenty of threads that cover the subject, like the similar threads below.

Nevertheless, if you stay consistent with your PE (like basic stretching and jelq) the curve should reduce over time as you make gains.

I did an advanced search and found a few topics about reducing the curve. My goal is to have a rock solid npel of 6.2” (with the curve) with a good 5.25-5.50 girth.

I think what really kills me is knowing that I have 6” but only 5.5-5.75 ” sticks out and it also points to the right Haha! I don’t care about having a large cock so I’m trying to set a goal to be above average. It’s starting to feel that .75 inches is light years away!

I have an upward curve and it’s very usefull to stimulate the g point but I lose length like every one… but if your have downward curve don’t care because you can stimulate the two “cul-de-sac” more easyly than a right dick…

Can PE straighten curve penis?? Cause I also have a downward curve penis..

Or maybe other ways to straighten it?

Puggles - I wouldn’t worry about the curve at all and this should not be a reason to put you off having sex. Penises come in all shapes and lots of guys have upward curves. It’s 100% normal. I’m sure there are as many women who like that shape as those who like a perfectly straight one.

Hey puggles, I’m on the same boat as you are, although I’m not complaining. My penis used to point to the left with a very slight upward curve. After PE, I’ve noticed that my penis does not point to the left as much anymore and the prominence of my upward curve has increased. This was intentional. The upward curve gives the impression (at least optically) that my wood is harder than when my erection was coming mostly straight out. I do lose about 0.3 to 0.5” compared to when I measure it straight up with a ruler, but I haven’t had any complaints from the ladies so far ;)

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