Here’s a few tips and exercises which I have found helpful over the last couple of years:
1. There are those of you out there who have small glans and find manual stretching difficult because your hand slips right over it. Take a 10 inch strip of gauze type bandage and wrap it firmly beneath your glans. Now stretch by holding the bandage. This will transform your manual stretches.
2. This is a very simple, cheap form of prolonged stretch (and not just for you unit) as detailed above, wrap your unit beneath the glans (you can forgo this if slipping is not an issue) then sit cross legged but with the bottoms of you feet together, and bring them as close to your body (balls as possible). You can now stretch out your unit and hold it between your heels freeing up your hands for other things.
3. I’ve mentioned this in a few threads now but I have seen great glans increases by wrapping a stretchable bandage around my unit at 20% erection level, gently binding it up my shaft until I hit the last 3/4 of my unit then tightly wrapping until my glans and tissues just beneath it are at 110% erection levels. You don’t need to keep an erection for this exercise and it can be held for long periods (remove regularly to recycle old blood).
4. Buy a cheap 14 USD generic sizegenetics extender from ebay. Remove the tension bars and base. Then use the hole for the silicone loop (still using the comfort strap to secure your unit) to attach weights, turning your incredibly cheap extender into a dual purpose extender AND beginner’s low weight hanging device.
Force is force, traction is traction. The only change in size you’ll see from spending that extra 200 USD is the shrinking of your wallet.