Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Trying out something new Also my journey so far

Trying out something new and also my journey so far

This is my first post. Been lurking for about 2 years.

Starting stats

Length 5.9 NBP
Girth 5.0 Middle Girth


Length 6.6” NBP
Girth 5.25” Middle Girth
Base Girth 6.0”

Also my body fat has always been within 2 or so percent of my original measurements.

Now all of those gains were made just jelqing with manual stretches also.
I took a long break from PE and kept all of my gains. I decided to get back into it and for the first month
Started doing jelqing and stretching again. Now I have a stretcher and a pump and this is my routine.

Wake up and pump for 5-10min at 4-5hg

Get in the shower and do 5min of stretches in warm water

2 sets of 5-10min pump at 4-5hg

Put on my stretcher device for 2-3 hours (Static Stretcher)

Pump for 5min at 4-5hg

Been doing the above routine for 5 days or so and notice way better flaccid hang pretty much all day.
Measured just now and it looks like I’m 6.7”NBP. I will not say I’m that till I hold it for a week or two.
I am always very careful not to push into my skin so I don’t cheat myself.

7.25” NBP
6” Middle Girth
6.5” Base Girth (Although as long as my middle girth is 6” I don’t care)

Thoughts or suggestions are welcome on my routine.

Last edited by jag3034 : 03-15-2010 at .

Sounds good. Congrats on your firt post.

Man, awesome results! 2 years is definitely worth 0.7” or so. Great job! I definitely think you will reach your goals.

Very nice gains so far, keep it up.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3


The results are actually from about 6 months of work. After I got to 6.6” I took more then a year off and
Kept all of my gains. I just recently about a month ago got back into it.

The more I think about it.. I think I want to have more like 7.5-7.75NBP length.

For now though I will just have my shorter term goal be 7.25NBP length.


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