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Turkey neck effects jelq


exactly what i meant to ask! will hang junk from junk and hope for best.

Pirate steve wouldn’t stretching your balls make the turkey neck worse? I would imagine it would make the scrotum even more stretchy and loose therefore worsening peno-scrotal web

^Hmm I was thinking the same thing aboveaverage. To reduce turkey neck you need to increase the amount of shaft skin you have; I don’t see how having more scrotal skin would impact this.

Stretching the skin of your scrotum will make your balls hang lower; stretching the skin between your circumcision scar line and the place where your scrotum connects to the underside of your shaft will reduce your turkey neck.

Such is my understanding at least.

Originally Posted by SuperStroker
Try this:

When one hand almost gets done jelqing, take advantage of that pull and use the other hand to kind of slide down the opposite direction (towards the base) with enough force to push back the skin before you start jelqing with that hand. (This means pretty light force. Just enough to get the skin behind your OK sign.) Then repeat the process the entire workout. It’s not as complicated as it sounds. I’ll try to be more thorough if there are any questions about this.

FYI this is the exact way that I jelq as well. It keeps the turkey neck out of the way but I don’t believe it does anything to prevent or reduce turkey neck. TN is caused by penile tissues growing faster than the skin that encases it. To get rid of your TN you need to stretch your shaft skin.

Last edited by ch950990006 : 12-08-2009 at .

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