Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Two Month Update


My erections seem to get weaker rather than stronger, no matter how much or little my session is.

Kegels will help ypu to get really good wood.

If your hard ons have suffered since you started PE it might be an idea to lay off for a day or two and focus on the kegels

Good to hear mate. Congrats and your dedication and success.

Thanks Satiate!!! I’m a really skeptical person too, so clearly *something* is up!

Agree with jordan as regards the kegels. If you do the exercises, they can affect your errection strength negatively. Kegeling is definitely the key to raging wood while PE’ing.

You’ve got to think that when you’re stretching out the ligature, skin, and fascia of your sexual organ, that it’s going to fatigue the works. Remember that successful PE with cemented, healthy results will almost always be a multi year project. You’ve got a lot of phases to go/grow through before you’ve got a ten pound hammer made of hardened steel down between your legs. After “cementing” we should all probably “anneal and polish” our members by continuing to kegel for LIFE.

I decided to do my Kegels right from the beginning on.. For life as mentioned above. Let me tell you that about six months ago I wondered whether I would be able to perform multiple orgasms so I started Kegels and edging. In fact after going to the edge about three times it literally became difficult to ejaculate for me - something that I found amazing. Unfortunately, I somehow lost interest and also did not have much time to follow my edging exercises further..

As for erection strength, I can clearly state that Kegels have a strong and notable effect after as little as two to three weeks. I always wonder how such rather simple things can have such a strong impact on your between-the-legs-performance, so to speak :D There’s definitely a Kegel-plan coming up for the Lazy Wally!

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

I could definitely see the discipline of kegeling and edging creating sexual monoliths out of it’s adherents. I do the kegels, but so far have been spotty on the edging. When I started PE I began to clamp almost right away. My own idiocy was fortunately assuaged by some good luck and a rather tough pecker- no injuries. But while I was clamped I would edge and I noticed right away that I had more control in the sack.

Edging presents some rather interesting scenarios, no?

Your chick walks in on you jerking off, gives you the, “what have we here” look and you tell her, “it’s all for you baby. This is all about *you*” lol.

Originally Posted by wantsmore
Edging presents some rather interesting scenarios, no?

Your chick walks in on you jerking off, gives you the, “what have we here” look and you tell her, “it’s all for you baby. This is all about *you*” lol.

Haha. I’ve never been caught polishing the pewter by my girl. But if I ever am.. I know damn well what to say now.



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