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UltraSound Therapy

UltraSound Therapy

I was wondering if anyone has tried using an ultrasound machine like what physiotherapists use for sports injuries but in a PE application?

It seems like there could be tremendous benefit to this, you can read about ultrasound here:
Ultrasound Therapy in Sports Medicine - Benefits & Contraindications

I am considering buying an ultrasound machine to give it a shot, but they are a little bit pricey.

Has anyone tried this out before or do the more experienced guys have any opinions if its worth experimenting with?

2010.02: 7-1/8" Bpel | 5-1/8" Mseg | 5-1/2" Beg

2010.06: 7-1/8" Bpel | 5-1/8" Mseg | 5-3/4" Beg

Sounds interesting to me because the system is mainly for soft tissue and I have a problem with too much “soft tissue” after a hard workout. But no, I have no experience. I hope a senior member comes aboard with an answer, The on-sale price of $174 does not sound like too much!


The on-sale price of $174 does not sound like too much!

Would that be the Walmart brand?

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

The link that “stereomike’ gave was to a home use model that was on sale for that price.


Unless you are trained on one of those, you can do damage and get burns. (I know, I do PT for a living).

Stick with heating pads and other methods to warm the tissues up and you will get the same results.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

sunshinekid, considering how I tend to be I think if I could overdo it I would, I have tried clamping for 2.5 hours with roughly 3 45 minute sets… The main reason why I am really keen on this is because I have been trying for years to straighten my unit, not because I care if its straight or not but because I am convinced one side of my CC has more pliable tissue and would like both sides to be pliable and stretchable.

I would be willing to take a course on how to use this thing properly if there is merit to using it, I’m sure any guy here would. I’m pretty sure I have scar tissue on one side of my CC which causes the curve, and as far as I have heard ultrasound is really good for breaking down scar tissue.

2010.02: 7-1/8" Bpel | 5-1/8" Mseg | 5-1/2" Beg

2010.06: 7-1/8" Bpel | 5-1/8" Mseg | 5-3/4" Beg

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