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Uncut problem

Uncut problem


This is my first post but I never thought it’d be to get some advice from more experienced members; I thought I’d first post when I was 9” long or so.


I’ve been PEing for about 2 weeks, I’m uncut and everything was going great, but yesterday I had the brilliant idea of pulling all the foreskin back during jelquing. I did 200 jelqs as stated in the Newbie Routine and my unit does grow, but the foresking grew too!

Right now I have all the foresking retracted, clamping the head and full of some fluid that it’s eitehr not going away or is doing it at snails pace.

Has anybody experienced something sooo weird with your foreskin? And if so, how did it work out for you?

I really need to fix this, I’m very active during the day and since I had never been forced to have my head out for so long and under such strange conditions I feel somewhat uncomfortable.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.


Hi JRazak,

Welcome to the forum.

It sounds like what you are experiencing is the uncut equivalent of the doughnut (or donut). I’m a little uncertain from your description though, so let me add my own. If you are experiencing a very swollen foreskin, maybe pain as you retract it or push it forward, then we are talking about the same thing.

If this is the case: firstly, do not worry; secondly, it will go down in it’s own time and shouldn’t really take more than a day or two.

Retracting the foreskin whilst jelqing is perfectly acceptable and may in fact help to avoid turkey neck. Occasionally pushing to the point where the foreskin swells in this way is also not really an issue. It may in fact indicate that you are finding the sweet spot for growth and just went a little too far.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Mem pretty much covered it all…

You don’t HAVE to keep your foreskin back do you? Or does it hurt to keep pulling it back and forth so you keep it back.

What you’re describing sounds like fluid buildup, but I remember as I first started out I got a little worried about this too…But it’s perfectly normal.

Is it possible that stretching, jelqing etc may do permanently changed on your foreskin and penis string which again starts to sting your glans making discomfort?

I’m uncut and my foreskin stays back for the most part. It’s fine that way.


Is turkey neck when your foreskin covers your head when flaccid?

"Well, people from Tennessee are generaly good at whatever it is they do even though they usually have no clue what they're doing."


I’m relieved to hear it’s “perfectly normal” and indeed it’s a fluid build up inside the foreskin. To explain it better, here’s what I did:

First pulled back skin on a totally flacid state, exposing the head.

Started jelquing trying to keep the same level of erection and with moderate to high pressure.

The head did look a lot bigger during the process and the retracted foreskin didn’t seem to change at all.

When I was done jelquing and tried to pull the foreskin back to it’s initial position I couldn’t, it’s inner section, the one in direct contact with the glans, had grown too due to fluid accumulation.

Right now it has subsided a bit and actually causes no pain at all, the tip of my penis is only too sensitive since I had never had to keep it out. I just wish it goes away so I can go at it again, no foreskin retracted this time.

Thanks guys, it makes me feel better to know it’s a common side effect.

Yup it’s common but the more you get it the easier it is to get, if that makes sense.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

It’s me again.

This whole thing has not subsided at all, it’s been three days and at times the fluid build up seems to have decreased, but today it keeps the same pressure and it’s beginning to be a problem. Any suggestions?

I do not think it’s any form of infection since it hasn’t changed color or has begun to hurt, anything at all, it just doesn’t go away and keeps flared head out.

It finally healed!

Pressure inside the skin reduced dramatically on the center of the “scarf” I had around my penis and could at last move everything back to it’s place.

Thanks for the support.

JRazak, take a few days off before you start PE again. As Mem says above, the more often it happens, the more easily it happens. Make sure you are 100% healed before starting again, or it is likely to recur straight away and settle in as a ‘learned response’ on the part of your penis.

I already rested a whole week and everything seems fine.

I’m gonna give it another try and see what happens.

Start gently OK? :)


Greetings, I guess I have the same symptoms of a donut effect going on. What can be done to speed up the healing. Mine occured about a month ago, and I haven’t really seen signs of improving much. I have taken a week off. It seems like I have like a water blister on the bottom of my gland, not something you can pop. It does not hurt when I do my exercises at all. I am wondering if I have a lymph node blockage. Any help you could provide would be appreciated.

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