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Uncut Question.

Uncut Question.

Hello all,

A strange query for all of you who are uncut. Basically, how much length do you lose when you retract your foreskin? I notice that when erect and pulled back, the penis seems to lose a little length, not just because of the lack of mass at the tip but because the head protrudes less. If you get a decent erection and observe as you pull it back you will see.

This got me wondering if this may be an area for quick gains? I do notice that at 100% erection level the difference seems to nullified, but I’m usually with my gf when that happens so cannot prove it. I rarely experience 100% EQ however and therefore wish to make some gains. Do you think certain exercises may be suitable for this situation or will it be standard newbie routine as usual?

Thanks in advance to any responses.

Strange. My experience is quite the opposite. When I pull my foreskin back it looks and feels like my penis is longer, not shorter. But my foreskin is quite loose and usually sits just over or behind my glans flacid, and definately behind the glans when erect.

As for the other stuff; newbie routine all the way.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

I can’t really leave my foreskin unretracted when I get an erection.

Yeah mine retracts by itself too if I have a good erection. I think it would probably pull my penis back a bit to be honest.

Nov '08: 6.5" BPEL X 4.3" MSEG / 4.83" Base Girth.... 4.565" AVG EG Based on 2 measurements

Nov '09: 7.0" BPEL (6.3" NBPEL) X 4.5" MSEG / 4.9" Base Girth.... 4.59" AVG EG Based on 3 measurements ~~~~~~~~~ Erect gains to date 1.55" X .4"

>>> Caboose\\'s Penis Enlargement Guide <<<

Whiskeyfish, you say your foreskin is loose whereas mine is very tight and always needs forced back when erect, sometimes this is uncomfortable. I wonder if this has something to do with it.

Also, does anyone else notice different appearances when the penis is erect and foreskin retracted? Sometimes the skin appears to be just underneath the gland, and sometimes the skin is completely retracted and there appears a different skin tone underneath the head. I notice that the latter of which are affiliated with better EQ.

Any more input from you uncut guys is most appreciated.

Aces does your glans get full always. Or if you kegel will they then fill up but after the kegel is stopped they are a little deflated. I’m just wondering it the foreskin has anything to do with this.

Originally Posted by Aces_Up
Whiskeyfish, you say your foreskin is loose whereas mine is very tight and always needs forced back when erect, sometimes this is uncomfortable. I wonder if this has something to do with it.

Also, does anyone else notice different appearances when the penis is erect and foreskin retracted? Sometimes the skin appears to be just underneath the gland, and sometimes the skin is completely retracted and there appears a different skin tone underneath the head. I notice that the latter of which are affiliated with better EQ.

Any more input from you uncut guys is most appreciated.

Mine WAS tight. Gradually stretch it manually, retract it by hand regularly and it’ll loosen up. Makes things much easier.

There is a division between the skin tone, about 1.5 inches below the glans in most cases. Dunno why. Normal though.

Originally Posted by Audacia
Aces does your glans get full always. Or if you kegel will they then fill up but after the kegel is stopped they are a little deflated. I’m just wondering it the foreskin has anything to do with this.

I’m not sure what you mean? I think the gland is bigger when kegeling but I thought that was standard? Where is the foreskin link?

Originally Posted by veezee
Mine WAS tight. Gradually stretch it manually, retract it by hand regularly and it’ll loosen up. Makes things much easier.

There is a division between the skin tone, about 1.5 inches below the glans in most cases. Dunno why. Normal though.

Yea, it used to be alot worse but remains pretty tight, I’ll search for some appropriate stretches.

As for the division, this is what I experience when I consider myself to have a very good erection, is this the case for you or is it generally normal? When I have weaker erections the foreskin “build ups” underneath the gland, hard to explain but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post pictures from google here to illustrate. I have a strange belief that the erections with the colour division are slightly bigger than the ones without.

Maybe I’m thinking into this too much.

Foreskin is a natural ADS.

Originally Posted by monkeykush
Foreskin is a natural ADS.

Could you elaborate?

I’m uncut and my foreskin hardly ever begins to go up my glans whatsoever.


Originally Posted by Aces_Up
I’m not sure what you mean? I think the gland is bigger when kegeling but I thought that was standard? Where is the foreskin link?

It’s quite normal (some people are lucky and get really full glans through out an erection where as others have to kegel to see it really full). People aren’t exactly sure why it’s different for some people so I just had an idea. Possibly, a tighter foreskin would make the head of the penis not so used to being full or when erect the skin is very tight under the head when you pull it down which could hinder blood from flowing in as easy.

Originally Posted by Audacia
It’s quite normal (some people are lucky and get really full glans through out an erection where as others have to kegel to see it really full). People aren’t exactly sure why it’s different for some people so I just had an idea. Possibly, a tighter foreskin would make the head of the penis not so used to being full or when erect the skin is very tight under the head when you pull it down which could hinder blood from flowing in as easy.

I’m beginning to catch your drift. When I kegel the head usually appears bigger, I know this is the case as once when my gf was giving me oral and my penis was in her mouth, I kegelled and she started struggling and said it was definately bigger.

However, I thought the kegel did this to everyone? If not, perhaps I can get some very small but quick gains through addressing this foreskin issue?

Originally Posted by Aces_Up
As for the division, this is what I experience when I consider myself to have a very good erection, is this the case for you or is it generally normal? When I have weaker erections the foreskin “build ups” underneath the gland, hard to explain but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post pictures from google here to illustrate. I have a strange belief that the erections with the colour division are slightly bigger than the ones without.

Maybe I’m thinking into this too much.

It would make sense for better erections to have this over ‘normal’ erections. My thinking would be that the skin which is redder is thinner and thus more transparent, showing the colour of the blood inside the penis. When I have a semi, sure, the skin sits under the dorsal ridge - it just isn’t stretched out as much.

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