So to further explain, when I stretch, the Ace bandage acts as wrap that holds the foreskin in place. Therefore the foreskin can’t slide up towards my head because the wrap holds it in its retracted position. So now I can grip my head and with my thumb pointed outwards and placed on my head with the rest of my hand gripping the wrap. This allows me to hand the wrap to hold onto firmly and because I’m holding the wrap, there’s no problems from any moisture from skin making my grip slip or anything like that.
I’m also loving the V grip for stretching that was suggested in this thread! So basically to explain this grip for anyone that’s wondering, put your hand over your dick with your fingers. So your hand/fingers should basically be pointing out and that’s how you know you’re in the right position. Now take your pointer and middle finger (or middle finger and ring finger if you prefer) and put your penis head in between these two fingers as you curl all five fingers into a fist. Now your glans should be gripped in between these two fingers, not directly on the head but just below it, so the ridges of your head will be pushing against your fingers acted as a stoppage for your fingers slipping over the glans. The rest of your fingers can wrap around your shaft for a secure grip. I probably explained poorly but ask away if you need clarification.
This grip is great because I’m creating a strong grip with all five fingers, and using my pointer and middle finger V grip to have a concentrated, strong and secure gripping point!