Thunder's Place

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Undescended testicle - did it stop your penis growing

Undescended testicle - did it stop your penis growing

This is for all the guys reading this who suffered in childhood from what is called an “undescended testicle”, or in medical terms cryptogonadism. In effect, one or both of your testes did not “drop” into the scrotum in the womb or in the first few months of childhood but remained stuck inside your body. An operation is often performed upon discovery of this problem to descend the testicle into place. The operation should be done as early as possible since the longer the testis remains stuck in the body and not in the scrotum it overheats, causing possible damage to the sperm-producing and Leydig cells which produce testosterone for your body which causes sexual maturation in puberty.

This happened to me - and I think my penile growth was permanently stunted by it.

My undescended testicle was not discovered till I was about three years old - it should have been obvious earlier but no one noticed. I underwent the operation to descend the testicle, which was successful. However, no one told me to monitor my hormone levels in teenage years to see if I was producing enough testosterone or sperm. So I didn’t.

I now know (I’m 32 now) that I displayed as a teenager a number of signs of sub-standard testosterone production: late onset of puberty, voice breaking late, almost no body hair, tall and thin body with little “thickening out”, and - most of all - little noticeable growth in penis size. I ended up about 5.25” erect and 4” in girth. OK not the smallest ever seen but by no means average. This was while others were getting MUCH bigger dicks and their voices breaking, body hair everywhere etc. Now that I’m 32, I’m also showing signs of mild erectile dysfunction which is also a sign of low testosterone production.

What is infuriating is that I now know that had I gone to the doctor s/he would have given me a series of testosterone injections that would have resolved the problem - and given me a normal sized dick. I was always told at school just to wait for the growth spurt to happen - why didn’t they give me proper advice!? Now it’s too late, I’m told, as after puberty is over your body is not as receptive to growing from testosterone input (though I hope that’s not true).

Anyway, all I know is that I had an undescended testicle and ended up with a small dick too. I don’t think the small dick was genetic as I’ve seen my dad’s and it’s completely up there -even flaccid - with more than standard size. I knew a guy at school who had an undescended testicle - and he also told me he had a small dick!

Is there anyone else out there with a similar situation?

Or are there guys who had an undescended testicle who got a totally normal or large-size dick?

I would really like to hear.

I had an undecended testicle operation at a quite late age if this is the case. Not sure when but I’m pretty sure I would have been around 8-12 years old. I was 5.75 el and 5 eg so pretty average! No problems developing any body hair, voice breaking etc. No problems with sex drive at 28 years old!

Dick size isn’t necessarily genetic. even brothers can have different sizes, just as height and weight - even hair loss can differ.

So there seems no reason why you shouldn’t gain penis size here. You may need a testosterone enhancer just to make up for any lack of T.

But there is no reason why a course of penis exercise should not give you increased size.

Be patient. I had the smallest dick in the class as a kid. Now I’m 7L X 6W

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I had one too, I think it was fixed not long after birth, but I do not know.

I am average in size, I have body hair, a man voice, and an average body type. I am 18 now, and two things ring a bell to me from what you’ve said.

I have always been weak for my size it seems, I look like I could bench maybe 250, but in reality only 200. Almost the same for all of the weights I lift, I don’t know why.

My penis did not respond well to PE unfortunatly and I went too far anyways so I am in a slow process of recovery. However puberty, sex drive, and function up until PE were all on par with average.

Maybe linked, I do not know. I would say no though.

8/12/09 5.70" x 4.9" NBP

Goal: 6.5" x 5.25" NBP

I wonder if having an undecended testicle can really affect hormone levels. I knew a guy we affectionately named “one nut” in high school. It was still stuck up inside when he was 16 and he had a big jaw, big chin, deep voice, good with the ladies, early facial hair. I doubt there is much truth to this. Though I could see how viable sperm production in that one nut could be affected.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Hey thanks everyone for the comments - it’s interesting, seems that it’s impossible to say for sure (without a huge amount of testing) whether there is a link or not. But I guess with PE whatever growth was stopped could be regained.. (I hope anyway). ;P

The key is to keep up your efforts. Speculating what genetically caused you to not be happy with your size won’t help you get what you want. That is proven in PE.

Its like being short and sitting around wondering what you might have done, or what your parents did. Negativity spreads like wild fire man! It will also keep you down and depressed - kind of giving you a mental crutch or whatever.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

I had one and had the surgery when I was around five or six. I often wondered the same thing. Would I be bigger all over and taller. I’m 6’2” and weigh 195lbs. My pre PE size was around 7.75x6.25, so I don’t think have a nut that’s not quite working hindered me.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

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