Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Update to my last post, my routine is success, FINALLY!(routine and story of success)

Update to my last post, my routine is success, FINALLY!(routine and story of success)

Ok, many of you may remember my last post, the poll asking which routine YOU would pick. Well heres the final routine I have created with the help of the two posts made in that thread, lol.

Warm Up With 30 Kegels
10 Mins Wet Jelqs (2 second strokes)
Shower With 30 Kegels

5 Min Warm Up With 30 Kegels
10 Min Stretch (All Directions For 30 Seconds Each)
5 Min BTC Stretch
4 ½ Min V-Stretch (Different Spots For 30 Seconds Each (Middle, Bottom, Top))
JAI Stretches 3x15
Warm Down With 30 Kegels

Now this is a short and simple routine, and it appears to work. I’ve been on this two days, and I took the advice of someone in my last thread who said something to the effect of “you’ll know a routine works when you get more morning and evening wood”. Well guess what.. the last routine I had equalled no morning wood. This routine, after two days equalled morning wood this morning. And I just (insert your favorite term for “jacked off” here) last night, so that means the routine is REALLY working.

One more piece of evidence, I haven’t measured lately, but after two days my dick feels fuller and appears to gained a few mililmeters in length as well.

Just felt like sharing, lol.


Starting Stats: NBPEL - 6" NBPEG - 5" Current Stats: BPEL - 7" NBPEG - 5.5" Short Term Goal Stats: BPEL - 7.25" NBPEG - 5.5" Long Term Goal Stats: BPEL - 8.5" NBPEG - 6"

Good job :)

Originally Posted by NinjaTurtle
Good job :)

Thanks! :cool:

Starting Stats: NBPEL - 6" NBPEG - 5" Current Stats: BPEL - 7" NBPEG - 5.5" Short Term Goal Stats: BPEL - 7.25" NBPEG - 5.5" Long Term Goal Stats: BPEL - 8.5" NBPEG - 6"

Interesting. I don’t do nearly that much stretching but way more jelqing (30 mins, but it’s inconsitent since I can’t maintain the damn thing at 80%). I like the theory about the wooding at morning and whatnot, will be watching out for it.

Starting; BPEL: 7.5" EG: 5.0"


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