Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ups and downs

Ups and downs

Hi everyone!
I’m new to this forum but I have some previous experience in PE.
I started one year ago and the first two months was very satisfying with gains in length and girth also.
After these months of success my erection during workout was weaker an so my workouts was less intense.
After 2-3 months of keep doing the same workout I stopped and my workouts were sporadic.
The last 2 months iv lost some volume and my sex drive dropped significantly I feel my BC so weak that I barely manage to contract it and my workout doest give me the results it used to (because my erections are weak)..
Guys I need advise my workout used to be :hot wrap-stretches+helicopter shakes-500 wet jelqs or 300 dry and finally massage and hot wrap(5 days a week).
Is there any chance that I have damaged my penis permanently?(sometimes I was overdoing it)
I think I’ve lost some length I can’t even do maintenance workout and my EQ totally sucks, not to mention that the morning wood happens rarely and that it’s more like a morning cotton (DAMN)
Of course my psychology is not good and I know that is a huge factor ..

Any similar experience?
Any ideas?

Sounds like you overworked your penis alot! You mentioned a 5 day a week routine? That’s alot of strain you are putting on your penis, especially if you had only just started a PE routine.
Perhaps try some kegeling excercises just on their own, without pulling/inflating/squeezing your penis.

Also, you mentioned a possible psychological problem.. Perhaps this could be the root cause of your inability to gain/maintain an erection.

Conscious effort to gain that 3/4 inch in length starts now! 21/07/09

(21/07/09) NBPEL 7.25, BPEL 7.5inch * 6inch EG.

(12/08/13) NBPEL 7.30, BPEL 7.9inch * 6.1inch EG

I didn’t start with the workout above, the first week was easy and I don’t believe that is overworking.. The most worrying thing is that I feel it weak an I can’t contract my BC easily and when it’s flaccid it’s like I’m used to hang full and nice

Well then, if you don’t think you’ve damaged your penis, then someone else may have to shed some light on this situation.

Conscious effort to gain that 3/4 inch in length starts now! 21/07/09

(21/07/09) NBPEL 7.25, BPEL 7.5inch * 6inch EG.

(12/08/13) NBPEL 7.30, BPEL 7.9inch * 6.1inch EG


I think your problems aren’t PE related. There is about 0% probability that you have permanently damaged your penis, but if it can help your anxiety, speak with an urologist.

Probably there is something else in your life that is stressing you: too much work on the job, or some mental/emotional issue.

Also: are you taking medicines? How old are you? How far have you done a physical check-up?

Originally Posted by kaiserx
The most worrying thing is that I feel it weak an I can’t contract my BC easily and when it’s flaccid it’s like I’m used to hang full and nice

When my flaccid does that something is stressing my body. Getting sick, working out too hard or mental stress.

I also agree with marinera’s “also” questions.

I agree with cock kent and marinera.

Try to remember that the mind and the body are one. If something is stressing you out psychologically, then your body is going to respond. Try to relax.

I don’t think that you have done any kind of permanent damage, just a bit of too much overtraining. Give yourself some time.

I took my time I was 2 months off!! And I’m not taking medicines at all ,I’m 24, I hit the gum 5 times a week ,I’m taking my multivitamins ,I eat well and I’ve never done a check up so far(the urologist told that I’m fine).also I’m not pressed I’m just having some problems in my life like we all do.the biggest problem I have is with my girlfriend .she upsets me and makes me sad many times ,but it’s something temporary I’m ok when we make up.could this be the problem?(I recently had an ed incident with her)

Could be this, could be something that you’ll never know. Human body (and mind) has his misteries, and sometimes it’s unuseful overthinking on things. BTW, what does means ‘I hit the gum?’ - sorry for the ignorance.

Sorry misspelling I meant that I hit the gym/I’m working out

Well unless you have done something really serious to your self (penis wise) unknowingly, then it must be a mental thing.

Conscious effort to gain that 3/4 inch in length starts now! 21/07/09

(21/07/09) NBPEL 7.25, BPEL 7.5inch * 6inch EG.

(12/08/13) NBPEL 7.30, BPEL 7.9inch * 6.1inch EG

I suppose that it is..

It’s like my problems are blocking me all the time ,irregardless if I’m thinking of them or not.

Maybe you should go and see a psychiatrist? or a psychologist, I’m not too sure on the differences between the two though.

Conscious effort to gain that 3/4 inch in length starts now! 21/07/09

(21/07/09) NBPEL 7.25, BPEL 7.5inch * 6inch EG.

(12/08/13) NBPEL 7.30, BPEL 7.9inch * 6.1inch EG


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