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Vac Extenders, newbie looking for advice

Vac Extenders, newbie looking for advice

I have completed the newbie routine for 3 months and am looking at vac extenders. What is the best one for results, and comfort?

Penismaster pro vs Vacextender 4.x vs Phallosan Forte

Personally I don’t put the Forte in the same category as other extenders because it’s more of an ADS kind of thing. I know in their clinical study the forte had one big gainer but he was an outlier in the group.

I’ve heard good things about penimaster and x4 labs extenders. If you get the vacextender with the KR extender (or whatever it’s called,) just remember that the actual extender portion is pretty cheap feeling. Also, make sure you measure accurately for the cup sizing if you go that route.


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