Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Virginity and Development

View Poll Results:

Before you became 20 years old, were you…

A virgin by 20, 7.5+ BPEL


A virgin by 20, < 7.5 BPEL


A virgin by 20, very unsatisfied with development regardless


Active before 20, pre-activity 7.5+ BPEL, with little or no improvement


Active before 20, pre-activity < 7.5 BPEL, with little or no improvement


Active before 20, pre-activity 7.5+ BPEL, gained 1+ inches BPEL post activity


Active before 20, pre-activity < 7.5 BPEL, gained 1+ inches BPEL post activity


Active and experienced physical developmental problems due to activity

Total Votes: 59. You may not vote on this poll

Virginity and Development

I’ve always had a fascination with the concept of virginity. I myself am a virgin for three reasons: STDs, lack of a meaningful relationship, logistics.

That said, I’m curious what effects sex has on a developing penis. I have personally known several guys who were VERY active in their mid teens, having several children in the process. Social values aside, almost all of their penises were very large and developed. And by large I mean a good 7.5-8 inches BPEL, with about a 6 inch girth, give or take an inch.

So, I’m seeking to find out, what impact the population here has seen in the area of virginity or sexual activity during development. I’m including an anonymous poll; I want to see what the members think from personal experience. Note that I don’t include masturbation in this, because I classify that in a completely different aspect of sexuality. All measurements in the poll in inches, sorry to those using metric. Growth is assumed to be over by 20 years of age, but this is not necessarily true, and is not gotten from a medical text.

I first understand that most folks had no idea of exact measurements in their youth, so I’m choosing about 7.5 BPEL as a benchmark for “above average”.

Please do not discuss morals or opinions on choosing when to become active here, this thread is intended to research and discuss the effects of sexual activity related to gains ONLY.

A. How do you know all your acquaintances were 7.5” or larger BPEL? Did you measure them or rely on them to tell you or guessed from flaccid observations?

B. By using 7.5” as your benchmark you’re starting too far above average, especially for this crowd.

C. How would masturbation not produce the same results (if any results are produced) as sexual intercourse?

D. What do you mean by ones “developmental phase?” Do you mean puberty? Why not say that?

Yaog, may I know how old are you now?

First of all, as to my age, I am 20, I’ll be 21 in February of next year.

How do you know all your acquaintances were 7.5” or larger BPEL? Did you measure them or rely on them to tell you or guessed from flaccid observations?

I’m referencing three separate guys I know and have known for quite some time, and yes, I’ve seen them with a ruler. Stranger things have happened in men’s dressing rooms for theatrical productions. It does bear saying that one of them was a big fellow to begin with, being well over six and a half feet. The other two were about average physically, but greatly gifted and very active.

By using 7.5” as your benchmark you’re starting too far above average, especially for this crowd.

The general idea was to figure out if someone was massively gifted in the first place; above average was probably a poor choice of words, as what I really wanted to do was separate those who had a very large natural endowment. This is because I’m trying to understand if intercourse plays a role in spurring penile growth all the way through late adolescence. Clearly, people who are beyond that benchmark have had no problem with penile growth, and their gains before 20 may simply be a reflection of that. I understand that 95% of most folks aren’t in that category, and that’s ok. It was just an attempt at addressing genetic predisposition to large endowment. I am open to better ideas.

How would masturbation not produce the same results (if any results are produced) as sexual intercourse?

Good question. I believe that sexual intercourse is a very emotional and mental process, possibly more so than physical. I also believe that it is key that it involves another person, whereas masturbation does not. It is a very different thing, I think, to be with another person than it is to use one’s imagination—and I think a possibility exists that this difference may play a part in the body’s response.

What do you mean by ones “developmental phase?” Do you mean puberty? Why not say that?

The ambiguity here is intentional as I do not know, nor do I claim to know exactly when penile growth starts and stops. For all I know it may extend slightly beyond adolescence or end long before it. I personally lack much experience with penile growth because my endocrine system was ruined for six years, during the entire extent of puberty.

For those curious, I fought and fought and finally got a referral to an endocrinologist by the time I was 17. They ran some tests and found prolactin levels of 38 ng/dl [nanogram/deciliter], and my testosterone levels were almost unreadable by the lab. By the time I had gotten the test, I was completely impotent. That has since resolved itself, but none the less, my shaft is not much larger than it was when I was 12.

Hope this clears things up. -Yaog

I might be misinterpreting, but I think you need to change those poll options. The “>” symbols should actually be “<”.. Otherwise, each pair of options (such as the first two) is specifying the same thing.

I’m a 27 y/o virgin. For christmas, shoot me in the face.

Yeah, I noticed that too levin, I just assumed what he meant.

Last edited by memento : 12-17-2005 at . Reason: spell checked

I don’t quite understand what you are doing, what exactly is your hypothesis? That those who are active sexually during their teens experience more ‘natural’ penile growth then those who do not?

I think it plays a role because of the frequent erections. But so does masturbation. I wasn’t that active during my teens yet I was able to grow to 8.75 bp at 20. I used to wank off with my hands a lot.

Less than and greater than signs have never been my forte. I’m just wondering if there’s any effect at all. Truth is I’ve no idea

What exactly is your hypothesis?

I don’t have an idea of what I expect. I’m wondering if frequent sex influences penile development. Sorry about the ambiguity.. I shouldn’t try to think more than I have to during finals week. -Yaog

It is interesting I guess. Maybe if one starts having sex early, the body can tell the difference between sex and masturbation somehow…and as it senses that the person is now sexually active it gives off extra testosterone or hormones or whatever (I have no idea what actually causes growth) in order to make one more fertile and that therefore promotes further penile development.

That’s the question. Bleh. Don’t mind me, I’m insecure! And spent. Yay for no more finals. -Yaog

>This is because I’m trying to understand if intercourse plays a role in spurring penile growth all the way through late adolescence.

I’ll bet, being broadly general because certainly there are many other factors at play:

Guys with poorer perception of their penis size have fewer sexual partners and lose their virginity later than those more satisfied with their size.

Guys with truly small penises are more likely to have a negative perception of their size and are therefore more likely to fit into the category above.

FWIW, I lost my virginity at 15. Screwing didn’t make mine any bigger.

Re: the less than and greater than signs, think of them as open alligator mouths. The alligator always wants to eat the biggest item, so its open mouth faces it. I still remember that from grade school. Clever teacher. I’ll fix them in your poll.

I know others on this site have posted bad opinions about Dr. Lin but I think from my reading on his convoluted site that actual sex may make a difference in development because of his view regarding the effect of the bio-electrical/hormonal connection supposedly made during sexual intercourse. I think this may be true. I’m in the >7.5 gain > 1 inch department myself.

Do you mean Lin’s theory that intercourse causes the yang to fuse with dialectric phylagalgacites, which stimulate (via activity in the ass chakra) pteromacroplasia of the hypercaveronsus medulosum?

“Dr.” Lin is full of < fill in the blank >.


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