Waining EQ
Hi Guys,
I noticed that my EQ has been waining for the past month or so. My main symptoms low libido, fairly poor penile sensitivity, hard to sustain a strong erection (I have to constantly edge to sustain a decently hard erection). My routine for the past month (after taking a 1.5 month break from PE):
5-6 minute edging
115 - 200 Jelqs at medium erection, Ok grip
2 x 15 kegels (held for 1 erection)
2 x 30 Kegel squeeze (I first hold my base for a squeeze and then I kegel in to hold blood about 15 times a set)
20-30 minute edging
Done at 1 On / 1 Off routine. If I want to increase my EQ back up, should I just lower my frequency of training, cut some of the workout, or simply just take a break for a week or two?