Thunder's Place

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Warming UP - Help

Warming UP - Help

Hey Guys, hoping someone might have some insights on something I find myself struggling with lately.. Getting in a good warm up. I’m wondering if there are any alternatives that might exist for someone doing stealth PE, usually in the morning when his house is asleep and doesn’t really have the ability to be dragging out heaters, heating up water, getting in the shower, etc.. Or is that just the nature of the beast? I know that warming up is pretty imperative, so I guess I’m just looking for recommendations on the easiest, most hassle/equipment free (or at least the least hassle/equipment), manual way to get a decent warm up (if it exists). Been really pleased with my progress and results thus far, but I find myself having to squeeze in workouts at very inopportune times to just to keep it consistent and the warm up is something that I struggle to accomplish given the variety of situations I find myself having to PE in. Would love some advice/thoughts. Thanks!

I use this: The pad never gets burning hot because it emits far infrared energy, your cock will heat up by 3-5° hotter than your body temperature, (so 40-42°C). The energy penetrates deep into your skin tissue so doesn’t just heat up the skin surface like a heated rice sock.

I use the elastic of my sweat pants to hold it over my cock. 15 minutes of warming up on high heat setting makes your cock feel heated all the way through making it very stretchy.
Other kinds might work well too: https://www.fir … d-supports.html

It has the advantage of being battery powered, a fully charged battery provides 4 hours of heat on the high setting and 6+ hours on low.

Just thought of this, get some of those disposable hand warmers. I think you can find them for fairly cheap. This might work if you don’t have to use them EVERY time and won’t break the bank (I looked up dongalongs suggestions and those can get pretty pricey). Just an idea.

4/1/2017 - 7.25 BPEL and 5.25 MSEG

My progress thread - My path to a larger healthy piece

Thanks guys! Good food for thought, I’ll explore both of those concepts.

An inflared lamp is your friend, 150W and all ok.

Originally Posted by Fitguy46614
Just thought of this, get some of those disposable hand warmers. I think you can find them for fairly cheap. This might work if you don’t have to use them EVERY time and won’t break the bank (I looked up dongalongs suggestions and those can get pretty pricey). Just an idea.

I use these: http://www.cvs. com/shop/health … -prodid-1012145

I couldn’t find the exact size online, but there’s a small one that just fits inside your underwear. I wear box/briefs and it inserts in the pouch just fine. It’s good for 8 hrs, and about once a week I’ll wear one to warm up for stretching, then keep it on all day as constant heat.

PS, I get them at CVS.

- Saul

Originally Posted by saulgoode45
I use these: http://www.cvs. com/shop/health … -prodid-1012145

I couldn’t find the exact size online, but there’s a small one that just fits inside your underwear. I wear box/briefs and it inserts in the pouch just fine. It’s good for 8 hrs, and about once a week I’ll wear one to warm up for stretching, then keep it on all day as constant heat.

PS, I get them at CVS.

- Saul

I thought about looking into this Saul, but does the non sticky side get warm too? I used to use these all the time but wasn’t sure how it would work (I would be a little scared to put the sticky side on my piece).

4/1/2017 - 7.25 BPEL and 5.25 MSEG

My progress thread - My path to a larger healthy piece

Originally Posted by Fitguy46614
I thought about looking into this Saul, but does the non sticky side get warm too? I used to use these all the time but wasn’t sure how it would work (I would be a little scared to put the sticky side on my piece).

Hell no do not sticky it to your Jimmy John! Both sides get warm. It is a bag of iron pellets I believe, and the chemical reaction begins when it is exposed to oxygen, when you open the pack. It is gentle warm, just above body temp for a solid 8hrs, probably more. The sticky is against the underwear to hold in place.

Be careful with the edges tho, they can be uncomfortable. I fold the edges against the sticky side, stick it to itself for comfort. And do NOT let the sticky get hold of Willy. Ouchie.

But once in correctly tbey are really comfy warm.

- Saul

Originally Posted by saulgoode45
Hell no do not sticky it to your Jimmy John! Both sides get warm. It is a bag of iron pellets I believe, and the chemical reaction begins when it is exposed to oxygen, when you open the pack. It is gentle warm, just above body temp for a solid 8hrs, probably more. The sticky is against the underwear to hold in place.

Be careful with the edges tho, they can be uncomfortable. I fold the edges against the sticky side, stick it to itself for comfort. And do NOT let the sticky get hold of Willy. Ouchie.

But once in correctly tbey are really comfy warm.

- Saul

Good deal man, sounds like those might be great for a warm up.

4/1/2017 - 7.25 BPEL and 5.25 MSEG

My progress thread - My path to a larger healthy piece

I thought about heating pads, but those don’t have enough energy for wet heat, and are poor in my experience as a warmup piece.

I have to stealth PE as well, here is the best solution I found:

I bought a $12 coffee maker. Gets the water far hotter than necessary. Transfer to a thermos, and you are good. When the water is still hot (more than 130 F), I hold a washcloth and pour about 1/4 cup onto the rag (maybe 1/2-1 cup at first to moisten rag).

Now, here is where your hot-potato skills come into play: squeeze and juggle it around until it has cooled to just-bearable temperature for your hands. Should see some steam coming off the rag still. This is when you wrap it around your penis. This usually lasts 60-90 seconds before you have to reheat the rag. 5 minutes, your penis will be warmed to the core, no pain at any point in the process.

If you have nowhere to stealth heat the water (this coffee maker is only 9”x5”x5”), then your last resort is handwarmers. I’ve thought about modding a soldering iron or hot glue gun to use as electric heaters, but decided to use the coffee maker for more reliability and safety.

Problem solving with fire.

Originally Posted by Fornestruct
I thought about heating pads, but those don’t have enough energy for wet heat, and are poor in my experience as a warmup piece.

I have to stealth PE as well, here is the best solution I found:

I bought a $12 coffee maker. Gets the water far hotter than necessary. Transfer to a thermos, and you are good. When the water is still hot (more than 130 F), I hold a washcloth and pour about 1/4 cup onto the rag (maybe 1/2-1 cup at first to moisten rag).

Now, here is where your hot-potato skills come into play: squeeze and juggle it around until it has cooled to just-bearable temperature for your hands. Should see some steam coming off the rag still. This is when you wrap it around your penis. This usually lasts 60-90 seconds before you have to reheat the rag. 5 minutes, your penis will be warmed to the core, no pain at any point in the process.

If you have nowhere to stealth heat the water (this coffee maker is only 9"x5"x5"), then your last resort is handwarmers. I’ve thought about modding a soldering iron or hot glue gun to use as electric heaters, but decided to use the coffee maker for more reliability and safety.

http://www.kohl … CFY8MgQod914PLA

I have one of these at work for making coffee (I use a French press) and tea. Boils water nicely. I may try your hot potato idea at some point. You are correct — the pads do not generate a lot of heat, but will get you loose if left in place for a while.

- Saul


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