Warming UpWarming Down
I have been PEing for about 3 weeks, recently taking 1.5 weeks off to switch to the linear newbie routine. Here are my thoughts and questions on the warm up/warm down:
I have been using the hot-towel-wrap method for warming up/warming down. However, since I usually do PE right before or right after a shower, I have been using the shower as a substitute for either the warm up or warm down. The showers are hot, but not exceedingly hot. I still use the washcloth while in the shower, letting it soak up the reasonably-hot water and wrapping it around my unit and gently massaging it.
For my remaining warm up/ warm down I use the wrap method out of the shower. At first I took the advice of using the hottest water possible without burning myself, but have since found that using a slightly-less-intense heat is more soothing and seems to be beneficial. The gentle massaging while the washcloth is wrapped helps as well. I must admit, this method is tedious because of the need to re-wet the washcloth every 30-60 seconds.so you can’t really do it anywhere but a bathroom if you wish to be inconspicuous.
In my short experience, WARMING UP / WARMING DOWN IS ESSENTIAL. There was one night that I warmed up in the shower, did some manual stretching, and then had to leave to go out to dinner with my family so I didn’t get a chance to warm down. My unit felt uncomfortably sore and I could feel that it was uncomfortably turtling. This was the ONLY time I felt an uncomfortable soreness in my unit. When I got back home I made sure to warm down properly.
Taking into account the importance of warming down, I am confused: When I finish jelqing I am pretty thick and long due to the increased blood flow. It feels good having my unit this way, since that is the goal after all. But when I warm down with the wash cloth, my penis retracts to a slightly below average state (although that sounds misleading, because my flaccid size can vary so much that this “slightly below average state” is not uncommon to me). I don’t believe it’s turtling since it is the same sort of retraction that my unit experiences after jacking off.
I switched to the linear newbie routine starting today, and it would appear that after the warm down my unit retracted even more than usual. But this is probably due to the fact that I just started PE again today after a week and a half break.
I don’t really feel I was over training my unit during my first 3 weeks using the regular newbie routine. I’ll have to see what happens now that I’m doing the linear routine. I wonder if it hasn’t been long enough (3-4 weeks is really short on the vast scale of PE) to tell if the slight retraction is just my unit getting used to the PE. In any case, half of me feels tempted to minimize my warm down routine, because of how thick and filled-out my penis feels after jelqing. But I also know how crucial the warm down can be. Perhaps I should try not warming down just to see how my penis responds to the jelqing? (To see if it remains thick for awhile or goes away right away).
I know this was quite long, so if you’ve read this far I appreciate it. I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts. It would be very nice to be able to minimize that retraction both after warming down and after jacking off.