Weak Orgasms : Please Help
I’m a 25 y old healthy individual , as long as I can remember off , I´ve been having weak orgasms,
It has nothing to do with my libido or erection , sensitivity problems, I’m always horny as hell, and have sex regulary.
Anyway my Orgasms ALWAYS felt weak the ones achived from mastrubation and sex don’t differ much pleasure wise.
It’s like I cum puff and I’m reliefed. And no strong sensations
As far I can remember off when I started my sex life 14y~ once I achived trought mastrubation a mind blowing orgasm that literally
Shaked my body and sent mind blowing waves of pleasure sensation all over my body. Till this day never more experienced nothing remotely like it.
Seriously whats wrong with me? Anybody had been trought the same ?
Is There any ways to improve your orgasms?