No, it is not like a piece of clay. Matter is not being conserved or constant. It will grow towards the trunk or root for sure from the hnging girth wise. You’ll almost always get a length increase from a traction or weight pull. There is no magic number of pounds that works for everyone. I suggest you look at LOT (Loss of Tugback) theory by Bib.
I don’t really know about bigger nuts. There is a Mexican herb that swells them up. It has been discussed before. Be sure to take a long ass read in the Hanger’s Forum as well as Bib’s website for hanging info. read and reread. It takes quite a bit to grasp what is being said. Bib’s sit is at the bottom of the page in the links section, just scroll down and you’ll see it.
“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor
I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.