Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What a waste


What a waste

I bought a ball zinger, whore it for 48 hours straight, nothing, waste of money!

Yep. You should have read more before spending money. You could have tried one for $.02 to discover they don’t work. See A $.02 Ball Zinger

Snake oil.

Just like penis pills.

Start 2-3-08 BPEL 7.25" EG 5.25" Midshaft

Now BPEL 9.00" EG 5.50 " Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "The Magic stick"

Wow! I should have had a V8! LOL

Originally Posted by hobby
Yep. You should have read more before spending money. You could have tried one for $.02 to discover they don’t work. See A $.02 Ball Zinger

Snake oil.

hobby, I am no enthusiast (see the latest update to my site, posted today), but an ignorant comment like this is not helpful to anyone.

You whored your balls for 48 hours?!

No wonder they were zinging.

Just Saying.

To expand my previous comment, the disagreement about its utility is so contentious that I stopped making claims soon after I introduced it. The fact is some people report results, the Blakoe POS ring still sells, and people selling the Ball Zinger and variations have made a little industry on eBay from my idea.

And at the same time, other people report nothing happening.

Personally, I think the 2¢ ball zinger is a brilliant idea, but don’t have it on my site because I haven’t found it effective (don’t know why) nor have found a way to make it very comfortable.

Also, shi town, the Ball Zinger relies on moisture to create conductivity. In other words, the middle of winter in Chicago is not the best time to expect results from one. Try it again when you get into sweating weather.

nice! Mrs Robinson. My bad .

Originally Posted by shi town
Nice! Mrs Robinson. My bad .

Sorry. Couldn’t resist :D

Just Saying.

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
hobby, I am no enthusiast (see the latest update to my site, posted today), but an ignorant comment like this is not helpful to anyone.

My comment was curt and perhaps a bit insensitively blunt, but certainly not ignorant. I’m surprised and disappointed that after being away from the PE scene for some time to come back to find guys still falling for snake oil that was fairly well dismissed here years ago.

Tom, I haven’t looked at your site lately, but you used to be an enthusiast of ball zingers. I’m certainly not against trying new things, even some unconventional. Way back when you started PEing there was precious little information available about PE, as in what works and what doesn’t. I’ll give you a break on trying zinging in the first place. There is no reason it should or could accomplish much, but trying anyway, well, ok. You never tried to profit by selling ball zingers. Misguided, but not evil.

However, later, hucksters stepped in and advertised zingers as practically the greatest thing since sliced bread. Their models were mostly your design. Sellers and their shills were making claims that zingers were practically magical in increasing semen volume, flaccid size, PE gains and so on. Search here and you’ll find the posts. And that’s all just plain bullshit. They were selling some tubing and a few bits of zinc and copper, probably $5 worth of parts at most for $50ish.

Zingers don’t work, but if you want to try one to find that out for yourself you can make one for cheap. Fairly pure zinc and copper can be obtained for only a few cents if you have access to U.S. pennies.

To add, if you find that the zinc/copper part of the thing isn’t the key to the few reported cases of positive results, even when a multimeter shows the same or better results than the commercial models, then zinging isn’t what has been claimed. The few cases of positive results may be from the mild constriction from the tubing, essentially wearing a “cock ring.” Or placebo, or whatever else.

I had really hoped serious PE discussion wouldn’t still be dealing with zinger bullshit as late as 2013.


As far as I know, the Blakoe Ring concept has not been proven false. In other words, no proof exists that “Zingers don’t work.” The “Ball Zinger” is simply a homemade hack of an (IMO) overpriced commercial device.

I hacked it, and felt something happening, as did a lot of other guys, circa 2006.

I stand in awe of the concept of your 2¢ Ball Zinger, but it has not worked for me (much to my disappointment, and why, I don’t know). I must also say (as I do on my site) that I have no particular interest in Ball Zingers at present.

In any event, the discussion of the Ball Zinger has never been about Penis Enlargement, so your reference to it as such is gratuitous and irrelevant.

No one has proven that Santa doesn’t actually exist or indeed that acupressure bands for sea sickness don’t work.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento

No one has proven that Santa doesn’t actually exist or indeed that acupressure bands for sea sickness don’t work.

Yeah, I was hoping someone would take this to the next level, though this wasn’t the level I imagined.

Ok, let’s approach it from a different perspective, Tom. Why do you think the Blakoe Ring works better than placebo?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


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