Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What age did you start PE

Originally Posted by funnyguy
I guess it is never too old! I just learned about this method and I am 76. I am happy with the results!! Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

This thread has been read in its entirety. I have noted that most of those posting are younger than 25 years. Like “funnyguy” I was quite a bit older. I was 75 when I started in November of 2012. I began at a different site, transferring here about a month later.

Started at 19, til about 21. I’m 26 now and restarting again.

Started at 32, I’m still 32.

From Abbelito to Abbegrande

Start: BPEL 6.89, MEG 5.31

Now: BPEL 7.48, MEG 5.31

Started age 44 now 46

43 now. I found out about it over 20 years ago but never committed to a routine. I’m sticking with it from now on.

I learned about PE when I was late 17 and tried it once or twice, didn’t understand it and stopped entirely until New Years Eve. That’s when I decided to make some effort to do PE on a regular basis at the current tender age of 18.

I started when I was 67. Four years later and I am still an active PEer. I have gained .85” in length and girth and want to make it a full inch before I go into semi retirement.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

I found out about PE when I was 18, tried it a bit but was way to impatient and stopped only after 2 weeks.

Now I’ve come back (23 years old) and started for real.

I knew about it when I was 21 but didn’t think it was possibly but started when I was 25. Had I started at 21 I would’ve had a nice tree in my pants right now lol

Started: 7 x 5.2

Current: 7.5 x 5.8

Goal: 9 x 6.5

I just started (18)

Taking my time.

I’m 18 and I started about 2 months ago. Still going with the beginners program and patiently doing it by starting with 5 min stretches (still works for me), and the only thing I’ve increased is the amount of Jelqs I did and do which changed from 100 to 200 in the course of the 2 months. Decent gains have been made, Badly measured from the beginning it’s hard to say EXACTLY how much I’ve gained but I think it’s 1/2 an inch which I’m completely happy about.


Then, 6.1 x 4.5 Now, 7.25 x 5.25


This has become a lifestyle for me

I was 17 I think. Tried jelqing for a few days then stopped because it hurt. I wasn’t warm wrapping properly. Starting again a few weeks from age 33. No goal yet, will wait for progress first.

Originally Posted by bigluke39
I was about 2 months shy of my 48th birthday when I learned about this. I started the day I found information on the subject, but was very sceptical. I had an old notepad that I marked my starting length on, then misplaced it for about 4 months. I was shocked when I found it, and had gained more than 3/4”.
I have since bought a 12” ruler. (I’ll never out grow that. :) )

Love reading your stats!! I’m 44 — just started! Amazing gains you’ve got!


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