I did. I had awesome EQ when I started doing PE. I did a workout of stretches and jelqs, not even very many. I would then wear an extender for about four hours after my workouts. At low tension. Like, longer than my flaccid length, but an inch and a quarter shorter than my BPEL. I thought PE was fake, and I felt like a sucker for buying an extender. Lo and behold, I grew a quarter inch that first week. Then I grew another quarter inch the next week. I couldn’t believe it. I also couldn’t stop grinning like an idiot. I actually though I would probably be nine inches long in about three months. Of course, my gains did slow, and then stop. Not before I had grown an inch and a quarter BPEL in about eight weeks. I honestly thought that must be average gains for anyone who tried PE. I had no idea how lucky I was, and how easy my gains came to me.