Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What causes a crooked penis?


I’ve had this for as long as I can remember, haven’t even begun PE yet. As far as masturbating religiously as a teenager I would have to admit I fall into that camp. Perhaps that is the culprit.

"That's all it takes, really. Pressure, and time."

The curvature to the right or to the left simply means the cavernosum has more mass on one side than the other. None of us are mapped out from birth genetically perfect. My left leg is 3/8” shorter, my right ear orifice is slightly smaller etc., etc. but then I do not plan to be a porn model nor do I really care if my left cavernosa is slightly smaller—which it is.

That makes sense, but do you think anything can be done to equalize the two chambers (with PE i mean)? Or do you think that they will enlarge proportionally from the original ratio.

Originally Posted by marinera
About 3/4 of penises leans to the left. It is just how men are built, ligs are skewed slightly toward the right, masturbation has nothing to do with that.

Wow! Makes me feel better reading this. Maybe it’s not my fault after all!

Started PE 6/14/13. BPEL 6.5", NBPEL 5.5", MSEG 4.75"

7/18/13 BPEL 6.75, NBPEL 5.75, MSEG 4.875

8/9/13 BPEL 7", NBPEL 6", MSEG 4.875


Some guys on here think so. One method might be to do inverted jelqs upwards but curve the stroke to the right forcing the middle finger to travel farther on the up-stroke and the ring finger to trail slightly behind while using the right hand. On the up-stroke using the left hand, make the ring finger travel farther and the middle finger lag behind. On regular wet jelqs, overhand grip. with right hand, pull your dick slightly to the right and make the index finger travel farthest. With the left hand you pull your dick to the left but make the thumb travel the farthest. Over time, most guys straighten out somewhat ,anyway.

Thanks a lot for describing it so vividly. My plan is to meet my length gain goal before i begin working girth. Hopefully the hanging will help jump start the straightening process.

"That's all it takes, really. Pressure, and time."

For those with a left pointing penis, does your left testicle hang lower than the right? Maybe the slight.weight.difference over the course of years caused it to start pulling left.

I’m a left hanger and my nuts are even with each other.

Started PE 6/14/13. BPEL 6.5", NBPEL 5.5", MSEG 4.75"

7/18/13 BPEL 6.75, NBPEL 5.75, MSEG 4.875

8/9/13 BPEL 7", NBPEL 6", MSEG 4.875


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