Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What does the penis repair with


Wow, someone asked the question I have been thinking about for the last couple of weeks. I take a lot of protein supplements and vary out what vitamins/amino acids I will take throughout the week. This question has prompted me to go out and read up on other things. I never take ginkgo, but it has been bouncing around my brain that because of what it is known to do, help vascular recovery, I thought that it would be perfect to start using in PE.

I am interested in reading up on what you brought up Gold_member; about collagen. As for glutamine, I think that would help. Creatine no.

Originally Posted by gold_member
I think it has more to do with the fact the nobody is going to design and fund a study on glutamine and/or creatine’s effects on the penis. Why would you expect creatine or glutamine to have any effect on penile tissue to begin with?

Not on tissue,I wonder would glutamine and creatine effect erection if you take them,or even worse potention?

Originally Posted by zlig
Not on tissue,I wonder would glutamine and creatine effect erection if you take them,or even worse potention?

That’s an easy experiment. Buy some, take it for a month, and pay attention to what happens.

RE: Glutamine
What effect could glutamine have on collagen? OR are you suggesting that the pityful increase in circulating growth hormone levels might affect gains?

I love GOLD

I have about five posts in this thread. Point out which post you are confused about, and I’d be happy to simplify the language.

I love GOLD

Originally Posted by zlig

Well I used some protein and stuff,I felt same,up and down.,but

I know this is a little off topic : Does anybody know how creatine and glutamine effects penis?

I surfed whole net and I found out that nobody really knows long term effects,or someone is hiding truth because multi million business?

Sorry for bad grammatical:)

Creatine is useless for pe, it accumulates in skeletal muscle and blows it up with water. No skeletal muscle in dick.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by gold_member
Collagen is made up of proline, lysine, and glycine, almost exclusively. Alpha-ketoglutarate and ascorbic acid are needed to hydroxylate proline and lysine. Why protein contains these amino acids, but not in exceeding abundance, or at least not more than any other meat/dairy protein.

I’m not sure whether supplementation would help or hurt gains. You certainly don’t want to strengthen collagen when PE’ing (unless on maintenance), but you do want your body to add tissue.

This one.

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
Creatine is useless for pe, it accumulates in skeletal muscle and blows it up with water. No skeletal muscle in dick.


Here let me land the plane for everyone.

This thread has become to convoluted with take this and take that. The bottom line is that your body needs 90 different nutrients to function properly. With today’s food you must supplement but only enough to ensure your body has the ones it needs when it needs them. Those 90 nutrients are a mix of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. There are NO target nutrients to make your penis bigger.

Most of the above nutrients can be achieved with a very good multi-vitamin ( not Centrum or any of that crap ) and eating well. Plenty of info in regards to this subject on the web. Good hunting…


TEN COMMANDMENTS The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse? You cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians...It creates a hostile work environment.

Pumper for a while got to the square dick 7X7 , hanging now 7-2010

Originally Posted by gold_member
collagen is made up of proline, lysine, and glycine, almost exclusively.

These are amino acids.

Originally Posted by gold_member
Alpha-ketoglutarate and ascorbic acid are needed to hydroxylate proline and lysine.

This means adding an -OH group. It is done by an enzyme (proline hydroxylase and lysine hydroxylase, respectively) in the body that uses iron as a cofactor. Hydroxylation permits strong hydrogen-bonding in the alpha-helix, adding tensile strength.

Originally Posted by gold_member
Whey protein contains these amino acids, but not in exceeding abundance, or at least not more than any other meat/dairy protein.

Meaning that supplementing whey protein wouldn’t put you in a better boat than the Average Joe who eats meat and dairy.

Originally Posted by gold_member
I’m not sure whether supplementation would help or hurt gains. You certainly don’t want to strengthen collagen when PE’ing (unless on maintenance), but you do want your body to add tissue.

I would suspect that adding l-proline, l-lysine, and l-glycine (good luck finding) might speed collagen synthesis. When in a workout regiment, hypothetically abstaining from ascorbic acid (vitamin C), alpha-keto glutarate (AKG) supplements, and iron might cause the newly-formed collagen to be much weaker than usual, making it easier to deform. I also would suspect that doing the opposite (increasing ascorbate, AKG, and iron intake) during a cementing phase might be beneficial.

That is completely hypothetical, and I wouldn’t recommend anyone inducing scurvy on themself. My stance is to stay away from supplements for PE. At best, they will do nothing, and you are guaranteed to lose money. At worst, they could hinder or even halt gains.

I love GOLD

Dipping your dick in a protein shake after a workout will enhance tissue repair. Wrap your shake glass in a hot rice sock and you’ve got a double repair benefit!

October 2006: BPEL - 7", EG - 6"

January 2007: BPEL - 7.25", EG - 6.25"

August 2007: BPEL - 7.5", EG - 6.25"

Originally Posted by band1

Dipping your dick in a protein shake after a workout will enhance tissue repair. Wrap your shake glass in a hot rice sock and you’ve got a double repair benefit!

Are you being serious or kidding around? I hope you aren’t suggesting that protein can be absorbed topically….

I love GOLD

ROFL. That sounds like a joke.

Thanks gold appretiate the info.

As for the protein drink, I am just starting to work out again and my brother suggested this drink after some good lifting. The most convenient time for me to workout is at night, which is also when I do my PE. I did not intend to make this a “OMG TAKE WHEY TO MAKE YOUR PENIS BIG” post. I was just curious what is actually used to replace the ‘new’ tissue in the penis.

While I’m probably not the age of most people who use this supplement, I still take Centrum Silver with Lycopene (actually I take the Walmart brand, Equate Mature) multivitamin supplements daily. I started taking this supplement about a month ago and whether or not it does anything for my cock, it’s making me a healthier person. I guess time will tell if it helps me in PE.

Not to dig up old threads, but everything a person needs can be found in food.

Think of it this way (and by no means am I a doc), but:

ALL those ingredients Centrum throws in their brand, where do you think they came from? Do you think they were just bio-manufactured from out of thin air?


All that shit - arginine, glutamine, lysine, ornithine, blah blah blah. It’s ALL natural baby. Arginine is in meat and nuts and wheat bread and everything. Glutamine’s in carrots, bread, milk, etc.

I mean, did the guys in the 1700’s NEED Centrum? No. Supplementation is sort of like meal replacement. In today’s age of Mickey D’s and Burger King, we probably don’t get enough daily vitamins so we take them in a tiny little pill.

Personally, (again, not playing doc), but I think the only supplements you should even consider are the ones you CAN’T get naturally from food.

Like Ginkgo, Ginseng, Tongkat, Fish Oil (unless you eat fish god bless ya), Arnica, whatever.

And EVEN then - most of that shit gets absorbed in your stomach acid. So it’s all a crapshoot. It helps in good dosages (I’ve noticed at least). Take too much though, and you pee it out anyway.

My secret? Water. Drink water. Lots of water. Body’s made up of like 75% water dudes.

I’m gonna look into collagen though. You hear about chicks putting it on their lips. Why not put it on my dick, if not for keeping it shiny and healthy looking.


PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Duct tape.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


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