Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What made you decide that you want a bigger penis

Originally Posted by Irish 1
I have always felt short & skinny, I acctually failed gym 4 years in a row cause I couldn’t shower with everyone else, so I’m doing this to build my own self esteem.

Good on you mate, how are your gains coming?

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Well porn made most of us feel “small” or “avg”.

For me, I was content with my erect unit - for the most part. I never did mind having more if you could.

There were a couple of positions where a couple more inches would have made it more enjoyable. Now I am on the path to recieving those couple of inches.

I couldn’t really point at anything in particular to explain why I decided to do PE.

I mean, I’ve had girls tell me I was big before… but I never really believed them. I had one girl tell me she had to rock to get me in her, but I swear I didn’t recall any such thing.

Then another girl I had sex with in high school acted bored to even be having sex. I was fucked up drunk, but still.

I guess I just wanted whatever girl I’m with to scream and act like I’m rocking her world. Well, not just act, I want to rock it :) I’ve had this happen before, but the other experiences made me think that maybe it was an act.

That and the one comment about me being large made me feel awesome. :D

Ego sounds good

I am only a little over a week in now with 5 workouts under my belt and I’m really just getting comfortable with grips, lubes, right heat, technique, etc, etc..

My starts are 6.75X4.875 BPEL&G but I’m 6’1”, 185 lbs. And when I’m placid my balls are twice the size of my dick, anyway I,m going to hold out for a few more weeks and take more measures.

Don’t mean to go on and on but this is my first contact with anyone and I have so much on my mind, sorry just excited about all this.

Thanks for the reply.

My ex wife hooked up with a guy that is big and threw it in my face one night when we were fighting that was the breaking point for me.

My starting stats, NBPEL 5.75", BPEL 6.75", MSEG 5.00" Most guys walk up and stick it in, when I'm finished here I'm going to stick it in and walk up :)

There may be more to it than I am admitting! I was very average, married for a long time and about 6 years ago I started getting the magic penis enlargement pills spam emails with incredible claims. I could not believe that they would work or at least do anything close to the claims. I starting looking around the Internet and stumbled across PE exercises that were free. It made sense to me that the stretching and other exercises would or could work and there did not appear to be any down side. I think that after I finally saw some progress it became more of a game to see what could be achieved. Still a work in progress. No drama.

When young I was about bpel 6x5 by 2002 size had shrunk down to bpel 5.5x4.8 with age, had to do something!

09/10 bpel 8.4, eg 5.8 midshaft (6.3 base) Goal- 9x6.2 average eg.

Thanks guys ,nice answers,and I forgot something,I am average but Bp nbp I am like 5 so the visual impact.

My reasons would be a bigger and a healthier tool, another plus in my confidence level status bar, general improvements in life that come along with boosted confidence..

My goal is not to become huge, if there’s a size that combined with the right technique can please any woman (that I am interested in), that would be my goal.

Originally Posted by gottahv8
My ex wife hooked up with a guy that is big and threw it in my face one night when we were fighting that was the breaking point for me.

Know that this kind of cheap button-pushing is rarely truly about size.

It’s about an imbalance of power in the relationship.

The woman in question is lashing out in an attempt to hit where she knows it hurts psychologically.

Sounds to me like she was cheating on you, which says a lot about how far gone the relationship was. Combine the infidelity with the fact that she was fighting with you and it sounds as though there was (is?) a need for her to get your attention, not to mention put you in your place.

If I were you I’d ask “Why?” and look into what your part in the breakdown was (as that is the only way you can get something positive out of such an experience).

To be clear: I don’t mean this to say it was your fault she was cheating, she is the only one who can take responsibility for that, but…cheating doesn’t happen out of the air, and it is extremely rare that it happens because of dick size. The little you’ve shared makes it clear there were a host of other problems; bitch that she is, she through a cheap shot at you. To me that says a lot about her desperation and dissatisfaction with the relationship and that her solution was to behave very badly indeed.

In any event, I can tell you this: when that kind of shit hits the fan it ain’t about dick size. Not really.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 09-26-2008 at .

I had a fuck buddy, it was all about the sex so we were very honest with each other. We talked about sex all the time. She told me that I was the best sex that she has ever had, but then said that I could not make her cum like her ex did because he had a bigger unit. She said that her orgasms were stronger with him. This totally burst my bubble and exposed insecurities that I never know I had.

Later we fell in love. And it actually took a lot of patience and love to get past all this. She has been a gem through it all and feels like shit for ever saying that. She now says that was not true, and she should have never said it. However, here I am…making my dick bigger.

I could write a very large thread about this subject, and all the trials and tribulations that we have gone though concerning this. I have learned very much about myself, and have hopefully come out stronger because of it. This is the most I have ever said about it and truly would rather not talk about it much. I was a painful time.

At some point you just have to learn to let go. And that is what I have been doing…

Still want a bigger dick tho!

Because my girl was like “I bet you have a big cock” around the first time we got together and when I told her how big it was 5 and a half inches she was like “That’s kind of small for your body size and height” it stung my pride.

I now want to gain an inch and surprise her.

I was fucking my ex one night (or rather, since she was on top doing the thrusting, she was fucking me) and we rubbed at a certain angle, I hit bottom and she went balistic. Hardest cum she’s ever had/hardest spasms of orgasmic clenching I’ve ever felt.

Ever since then, the CDS has been my best friend and my goal has been to always be able to rub it hard and deep.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

Originally Posted by psychosadistik

Being Asian, people assume I have a small penis. So it got to me. Only way I can prove them wrong is when they say Asians have small wangs, just whip it out. Lol.

I seen lots of Japan porn all of them were small from what I know. If they know this PE stuffs I think would’ve be better,oh btw Psychosadistik,how much have you gain since you did PE?

Originally Posted by Penismakeover
I seen lots of Japan porn all of them were small from what I know. If they know this PE stuffs I think would’ve be better,oh btw Psychosadistik,how much have you gain since you did PE?

I just started consistent last month. (Thought I joined in late 07, I only did PE for like 3 weeks) Anyway, I have gained about 1/4” since I started around August 17 2008.

August 2008: NBPEL 4"


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