Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What makes your penis small

Originally Posted by Long Grass
This makes my penis small and my eyeballs burn.

Penis Reduction Video

Yeah, that was the surgery I was referring to. OUCH.

I’m going to be sick now.

Seeing that video gives me a whole new respect for my penis.
I will never let that happen! I feel like hugging my penis and saying “it’s OK, it’s over now, everything will be alright”.


Does caffeine really make your dick smaller permanently?

Originally Posted by sppc9876
Does caffeine really make your dick smaller permanently?

I sure hope not. But it would explain a great deal. Like why I’m the “little guy” of the family. I was put on coffee 3 cups a day from age five. It was that or ritalin to be allowed to stay in school. It worked wonders and I stopped getting the daily paddlings from the teachers after only a few days. Waitresses at restaurants would say, “that will stunt your growth.” Perhaps they were right. Even though I’m 6’ tall and 200lbs at 10% body fat, something does appear to be stunted. Maybe the waitresses just weren’t specific about what would be stunted.

Is it the caffeine or the maternal grandfather who is a Seminole? I’ve been told that they are kind of small but I don’t know this for a fact.

Originally Posted by sppc9876

Does caffeine really make your dick smaller permanently?

I don’t think so. It is just a physiological reaction to stimulants that diverts blood flow, and maybe also effects the nerves short term. Back in the eighties when cocaine was fashionable, we used to snort until we were all shriveled up and impotent. Great drug. :rolleyes:

Horny Bastard

When does your dick stop growing? Do things like stress and diet play a large part in its growth?

I think what he is trying to say is: “Can something you eat/drink or do cause your penis to shrink”

-------Starting Januari 1 2006 ---BPEL: 5.86" (14.9cm)---- ----EG: 5.9" (15cm)---- ------(( Goal ))------ BPEL: 7" (17.78cm)---- EG: 6.5" (16.5cm)----

Originally Posted by littlehobo
I sure hope not. But it would explain a great deal. Like why I’m the “little guy” of the family. I was put on coffee 3 cups a day from age five. It was that or ritalin to be allowed to stay in school. It worked wonders and I stopped getting the daily paddlings from the teachers after only a few days. Waitresses at restaurants would say, “that will stunt your growth.” Perhaps they were right. Even though I’m 6’ tall and 200lbs at 10% body fat, something does appear to be stunted. Maybe the waitresses just weren’t specific about what would be stunted.

Is it the caffeine or the maternal grandfather who is a Seminole? I’ve been told that they are kind of small but I don’t know this for a fact.

The things people tell you will stunt your growth (like drinking coffee, lifting weights, smoking) are not true. They’d just tell you that so you don’t do it and hurt yourself somehow. And since every kid wants to be tall, “_______ will stunt your growth” was the best way to get them to not do it.

The Lizard people make your penis small.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

There is nothing that can make your penis smaller permanently. There is however hundreds of things that will make it small temporarily, such as Caffeine, Stress, Cold water ect.

Now back to this Penis reduction video. This guy became huge due to priapism. Mabye priapism is a magic secret to PE. Ofcourse it would have to be controled so we dont over do it and end up on a online video.

Originally Posted by Dr. Manhatten
Now back to this Penis reduction video. This guy became huge due to priapism. Mabye priapism is a magic secret to PE. Ofcourse it would have to be controled so we dont over do it and end up on a online video.

You know, I was thinking along those lines and instead of ordering cialis next time, I may get cabaser and caverject and use them before clamping. Not for me of course, just for my lab rats to see if it works. All the research chems have damn “not for human consumption” labels. I don’t know what I’d get to make the chemically induced erection go away though. Prolactin wouldn’t work with cabaser on board.

As far as caffeine goes, large amounts may temporarily have vasoconstrictive effect. It is also dehydrating. Drink plenty of water and caffeine shouldn’t affect you.

A clumsy surgeon with a scalpel in hand!!!

- Lee Beast

What exactly is priapism?

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Priapism is a an erection that is often painful that lasts for more that 4 hours with no physical or mental stimulation.


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