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What to do to increase head size

What to do to increase head size

There must be an exercise that does that, but I do not see one when I search.

A good place to start is with the basic jelq. Just the nature of the exercise itself is forcing blood from the base out to the head on every stroke. Increasing head size is difficult, but as your girth expands, so will your head.

THIS IS THE TECHNIQUE TO CREATE A BIGGER “MUSHROOM” HEAD ON THE PENIS! This is also known an the Tao technique. It’s essentially the same as Technique One (basic jelq), except performed slower and more gently, with more attention paid to the penis head.

Starting at the base, use your fingers to push the blood toward the penis head and create some sustained pressure. Hold that position for approximately 10-15 seconds. This will expand the capacity of your head to take in more blood, in the end creating a bell or mushroom shape.

Stroke from the base to the area

below the head. Hold for 10 seconds.

Continue jelqing as in Technique One… right hand, then left hand. The only difference is you are keeping your grip under the penis head for 10-15 seconds each stroke.

It will be noticed that the head (or glans) becomes extremely red and that it will swell considerably. This is normal and good, and is due to the forcing of blood to that area.

Jelqing with low erections helped me a lot

I used to jelq fast with low eretions which concentrated on my glans and neglected my shaft a little.


Focus on pushing blood into the head of your penis while you’re jelqing. Be sure to fill it up. Seeing red spots should be an indicator that you’re giving yourself a good workout.


Here’s what I do and it seems to be helping a tremendous amount. Mine is starting to look like a poisoness mushroom!

Grab the weenie in the same fashion as a jelq. Make sure there is plenty of blood in the unit. As a matter of fact, this is best in a hot bath or hot tub and after you jelq also. Now squeeze real good with the ok grip. Do some keagles if you need to fill it up and make it good and hard but not with an erection. Now take your middle, ring and pinkey fingers on the same hand as the ok and squeeze your unit. Be vary careful because there is a lot of pressure happening here. I have built up my dong over the last month so I can really squeeze it hard now. The end will popp out of your hand about 1” and the head will look like Marty Feldman’s eyes. Hold this for 10 seconds and do the complete thing over again with the other hand. Do 5x in each hand.

I “Think” these are some kind of ULIs. I have been doing them a couple of times a day and I almost have a shadow on by dick shaft, the head is getting so big! I also gained 3/8” in girth over the last 6 weeks!

But please do be carefull. There is a lot of pressure when doing these and if the head of your dick popps off, well, that would not be fun……..Heh heh

Hope this helps.


Did any of you guys tried this Tao technique?

Originally Posted by Stretchin
Size matters, that's why my dick is blue and brown and has a sharp pain in the left side.

Previously known as Ben Dover.

Yes me, but it is too early to say how good it works because I currently use it in my 25min jelq session when I’m too hard(say probably a few min),very carefully trapping the blood inside the head for 15 sec…I’m currently working on length,after that I will work on girth an finally this will be the cherry on top :)

I’m positive that with time you will get a big mushroom head (huge)

I will try the Tao technique tonight in my evening bath. I will report to you tomorrow. Thanks for the tip.


You’re welcome I’m glad I could be of assistance

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