Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Whats the best lube?

LOL. I was actually going to try and include the sesame oil/asian chick angle but forgot to. I too blame it on the reefer.

I have used KY Jelly, Vaseline and baby oil. Here are my thoughts:

KY Jelly: Not much success. It’s somewhat expensive. My dick gets too slick resulting in just an ineffectual jelq session for me. Although simple water reapplication can make the stuff last quite a while, I still find a pain in the ass to reapply water ever minute or so. Highpoint: is that it is to clean off, just a washcloth and the water that was used for reapplication is enough to get it off my dick.

Vaseline: the best of the three in price and effectiveness. Very cheap stuff. The thick, goopy stuff almost creates the perfect jelq as it relates to the speed of the jelq. About an initial teaspoon to a tablespoon is all I need for an entire session. There are some definite drawbacks. It is a mess, if you use your computer to sift through your porn, you need to wipe off your hands, the oily stuff gets everywhere. It’s a problem with all lubes, but this is one of the messier ones. Second, I recommend that a shower is a must after each jelq session. A simple thorough wipe with a cloth is risky in my opinion. Vaseline tends to clog the pores and can cause infections. I think if you leave the stuff on though, it creates a nice supple penis, however, it has a drying effect. Thus, you’ll need more and more Vaseline to keep even your original suppleness/hydration. Even in the shower it is a pain to get off. That is, it was a pain until I started using a natural ocean sponge. This takes Vaseline off very well.

Baby Oil: Also very cheap. I am using this currently. I use Johnson’s Baby Oil, with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E. It also only needs a single application. I think this also can be a pain to get off, but again the natural sponge gets it off in a snap. I also believe that baby oil is meant to be left on the skin so a simple post-session wipe down with a cloth is all that is needed. I shower anyways and get as much off as possible. The reason, because baby oil has a distinctive smell. You can’t miss it. The shower removes all scent. I haven’t tried olive oil only because of the smell; I’ve used it to cook and it seems even handwashing doesn’t get the smell off. I don’t want to have my girlfriend asking me about the smell/taste of olive oil while getting a bj. Effectiveness: not as good as Vaseline, but better than KY Jelly, in my opinion. It is closer KY Jelly than Vaseline in effectiveness. However, I can still feel my dick more during the jelq. More specifically, I can can put more pressure and feel internal expansion than with KY Jelly. The problem is that like KY, the slickness can cause too fast of strokes and takes more concentration than Vaseline. So often I do a mix of baby oil and just a small dab of Vaseline. It slows down the stroke to a more manageable speed, less messy than Vaseline alone, and easier to clean off.

Recommendation: I haven’t used enough types to recommend. There are so many factors that you must consider: stealth in cleaning up, stealth with girlfriend ie smell, effectiveness, health. I do recommend trying Vaseline at least once, I think it almost teaches you how to time a nice jelq stroke. If you can lock the Vaseline stroke to muscle memory (like the golf stroke) you have done yourself a big favor. Just remember to get that Vaseline off your dick after your session.

Although I don’t use olive oil, I hear comments about the look of the dick afterwords. I worry especially about coloration. I guess I’m lucky that I haven’t had any discoloration. But does olive oil promote discoloration? Is it causing bronzing? Some people like the look and I’m curious if this is happening.

I SERIOUSLY doubt that olive oil contributes to skin discoloration in any way whatsoever. I have slathered the stuff all over my body, quite liberally, for the past ten years after showering. My skin is still the same color as it ever was.

Interestingly, I also have just about zero wrinkling (I’m 38) on my face and 18, 19 year old chicks regularly initiate flirting with me. It’s less of something that I’m bragging at than something I just appreciate for it’s source- my skin looks really young. The only skin color change I have ever noted doing any of the (some would say extreme) health practices which I’ve followed over the years is something (temporary) called “carrotenemia” which is when the skin gets bright orange from the consumption of too much carrot juice! Strange thing, that, mostly shows up on your palms and the soles of your feet!

Anyway, a bronzing/olive oil connection seems highly unlikely in my book vis-a-vis a decade of drenching myself in it.

I guess I’m into this thread for almost a nickel’s worth now…..I’m becoming the olive oil pimp.

Originally Posted by wantsmore
Interestingly, I also have just about zero wrinkling (I’m 38) on my face and 18, 19 year old chicks regularly initiate flirting with me. It’s less of something that I’m bragging at than something I just appreciate for it’s source- my skin looks really young.

Nah fuck that I would be bragging if I can get some of that action when I reach that age!

You are oficialy the olive oil pimp now, you have backed yourself into a corner!

Oh and I tried Olive oil tonight on the jelqing, it was very good! Now I was using the cheap-o home brand type. It took a little more oil than I thought it would, but it kept slippery, and best of all lasted the entire session (although had to apply few drops here and there to keep lubed)

Originally Posted by StretchIt
Vaseline: the best of the three in price and effectiveness. Very cheap stuff. The thick, goopy stuff almost creates the perfect jelq as it relates to the speed of the jelq. About an initial teaspoon to a tablespoon is all I need for an entire session. There are some definite drawbacks. It is a mess, if you use your computer to sift through your porn, you need to wipe off your hands, the oily stuff gets everywhere. It’s a problem with all lubes, but this is one of the messier ones. Second, I recommend that a shower is a must after each jelq session. A simple thorough wipe with a cloth is risky in my opinion. Vaseline tends to clog the pores and can cause infections. I think if you leave the stuff on though, it creates a nice supple penis, however, it has a drying effect. Thus, you’ll need more and more Vaseline to keep even your original suppleness/hydration. Even in the shower it is a pain to get off. That is, it was a pain until I started using a natural ocean sponge. This takes Vaseline off very well.

Although I don’t use olive oil, I hear comments about the look of the dick afterwords. I worry especially about coloration. I guess I’m lucky that I haven’t had any discoloration. But does olive oil promote discoloration? Is it causing bronzing? Some people like the look and I’m curious if this is happening.

Here is my conclusion: I like this Vaseline idea, as bought foward to me by StretchIt, and I think that the Olive oil thing rocks too!

I felt that whilst jelqing with the Olive oil, something else would have been nice to jelq with too- for an added element of grip, or something that could enhance the Olive oil approach.
Seeing that Vasoline is cheap, I am going to try experiment with these two products.


Also wantsmore, or should I say Olive pimp; your onto a cracker of a winner with this Oil formula you are coming up with. If you find a good mixture ill be looking for the recipe soon!

One more thing. Jelqing with Oil, is to say the least, messy (duh). The correct container, or dispersing unit needs to be bought. I’m thinking along the lines of a squirty bottle for soy sauce or something like that, but ONLY lets out a drop or two at a time. A huge-ass eye drop container would be good!


I use Johnson’s baby oil gel. I was using regular baby oil, but this stuff is thicker and lubes better. Very cheap, and Wal Mart makes a generic as well.

Still, I might try some vegetable oil, I have used that for a lube in…other circumstances, shall we say.

HalfRusski 07-26-05 - BPEL 5.90", EG 5.0" 11-16-05 - BPEL 7.45", EG 5.625" Weather report - snow (what did you expect?!) What is a nice guy from Louisiana doing in a place like this?

Udder cream.

Udder cream is the cream used to milk cows. Only recommended for PEing/masturbation.

Udder Cream!

I love it! Give me more!
How about Goat’s cheese!


Vaseline is the best lube. It’s cheap and it last a long time.

I have used olive oil successfully. Thanks for the info about vitamin E content. Have also used wheat germ oil; it’s a bit too thin, and also can mark clothes a yellow color, although it washes out, but is very good for reconditioning the skin. Tried a lanolin-based lotion and it caused skin cracking. The following is a recipe for my favourite lube, excellent if you like very long sessions of jacking, edging or pumping. Albolene may be available in USA, if you would rather buy it than make it. I understand mineral oil is liquid paraffin, and the white candle should be plain paraffin wax, which can be bought at the supermarket for sealing jars of jam or preserves:

Since Albolene is not actually sold as an “intimate lubricant” like KY or Astroglide or Wet or Elbow Grease, guys often have trouble finding it — and when they do, they may balk at paying $11 or more for a tub. So here’s a recipe for making your own; if you use store-brand ingredients, it costs less than half the price of the real thing. (By the way, I wouldn’t even bother with Men’s Cream, which is explicitly marketed for masturbation and is sold online and in adult-toy stores for as much as 3x the price of Albolene — even though a comparison of the ingredients list reveals that it’s more or less exactly the same stuff inside the tub!)

You’ll need:

16 oz. Bottle mineral oil (check the laxatives aisle)
3.75 oz tub petroleum jelly
Plain white candle

[Variations: Baby Oil is just mineral oil with added fragrance, and Vick’s Vaporub is just petroleum jelly with stuff like menthol and oil of wintergreen thrown in, so you can substitute either of those to give the “Albolene” a nice scent.]

Measure out 10 oz. (1-1/4 cup) mineral oil and pour into old saucepan.
Add about half the tub of petroleum jelly.
Use a hand grater to grate 1/4 cup of wax from the candle (pack the grated wax into the measuring cup as you would do for brown sugar).
Warm the oil/jelly mixture over low heat. When jelly has melted into the oil, slowly stir in the grated wax and let that melt completely.
Remove from heat, let liquid come down to near room temperature, and then pour into empty Albolene tub or Tupperware container to cool and solidify. It will end up looking quite a bit like Vaseline, but the mineral oil and candle wax give the mixture it’s own distinctive feel.
Optional steps: If you want to guarantee the closest possible match in texture to the “real thing,” have some extra grated wax ready and chill a ceramic or glass plate in the freezer as you’re heating the mixture.
Then use a spoon to drop a small amount of the melted mixture onto the chilled plate, which will cause it to solidify in seconds.
Check the texture with your fingers to see if it feels “just right,” and if not, melt in a little more of the grated candle.
Use very hot water and plenty of dish soap to clean the grease off the saucepan and measuring cup!
After the homemade Albolene has thoroughly cooled and solidified, grab your favorite porn, whip your dick out, and really put the stuff to the test!
This is almost totally foolproof and will produce a nice lube for maybe 1/3 the price of Albolene if you buy store-brand ingredients.

P.S. To readers outside the U.S.: Rather than bother with metric conversions, I’ll just point out that I’ve seen variants of this recipe using the ratios of 10 parts mineral oil to 2 parts paraffin wax to 1 part petrolatum. That’s slightly different from the quantities here, but this ain’t rocket science, and either way, you’ll end up with something that [a] is pretty close to good old’ Yankee Albolene, and [b] feels noticeably better on your throbbing hairy dong than any of the separate ingredients (especially compared to candle wax!)

I have only used Vaseline and shower gel.
Obviously using shower gel is easy and being in the shower is also a private place to PE.

Vaseline works really well but can be a bitch to get off, as a surfer we have plenty of Vaseline but I use it to stop my wetsuit rubbing. Needless to say if a few hours in the sea doesn’t get the stuff off it’s hard to clean off.

Dom- you use shower gel? This is a soap, correct? I would stop using that. Soap and shampoo a big no no!


Whys that?

I had seen a debate about this a while ago but it seemed it was quite common to use shower gel or shampoo and nobody gave any reasons not to..

Does that mean using soap OR shampoo is advised against?

Well I havent used it for jelqing, but I used to jack-off with soap in the shower.

You can get away with it for a while, but eventualy the sting will come. By all means if you can get away with it now, go for it, but eventualy it will sting.

What happened to me is that the soap just dried out the skin, and the next day when I went to have another flog, I just couldn’t get any pressure on it, it stung too much!

I’d start using something else. You should just get some of that johnsons baby oil. This is used for rubbing into skin. Shampoo and soap only for cleaning.



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