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Whats your opinion about girth? Does it really matter to women?


Whats your opinion about girth? Does it really matter to women?


I’m really interested in your opinion about girth. I once read that the ideal size for the majority of women is around 12.5cm and I can’t remember length but thats not important for the topic. I think it was around a bit over 6 inch NBP.

1) I personally think that once you’ve hit a certain length, I think around 6 inch NBP, that a women prefers a smaller girth level then bigger.

2) Also I’m afraid that when I gain in girth my penis is gonna look smaller in length.

The reason I’m asking more people for their opinion is that I’m having trouble setting a goal for girth. Also I’m pretty satisfied with my current length and how it looks from the side. In my opinion my current length has brought me from under average to average/a little bit above average.

What should I do and maybe some of you had the same thoughts I had and were more satisfied or less then when they started with girth? Or maybe some of you guys can share stories of how their wife/girlfriend feels about their girth gains?

Thanks and good day

Start: 15.1cm BPEL

Current: 16.9cm

Final goal: 7 inch

Go for girth brother! It is hard to attain but I found my wife loves and gives me different reactions when I pump Xtra large. Or go all the way in because I have a good taper.

What are your current girth measurements?

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

My current girth is almost 5 inch. Its weird because I never doubted that my girth is bad but Id like to make it bigger. But the thing is, I’m most scared of is that my penis will look smaller but thicker instead of bigger like we all want. Now from the side it looks pretty long even though its only 17cm BPEL and 6 inch NBP. If I make it thicker that effect will probably go away I guess.

Start: 15.1cm BPEL

Current: 16.9cm

Final goal: 7 inch

Brother girth is the best you can gain for girls, i asked every girls i dated and they prefer girth.
Better looking, better sensation, and more impressive, bigger in hand, when you have girth you can destroy their pussy, if you have a thin pen you can do nothing but stick it and they feel nothing.

sorry for my bad english but i think you feel what i mean.

2018 16cm12cm11cm >> 2022 17.5cm13.5cm12.5cm >> 2024 17.5cm14cm12.5cm (BPEL/MSEG/BEG)

Mockery can gives you unfailing faith in yourself.

To my wife, girth is the more appreciated size change.

I am about 1 1/2” diameter right now and its good when ever I can maintain a good erection but lately its difficult to maintain even a 90% erection. I know she’ll be able to handle a 1 3/4” girth but 2” is out of the question at least she thinks so.

Start: 2/22/23: 6.8"(17.3cm) BPEL. 4.8" (12.1) EG

Currently 5/12/23 7” (17.8cm)

Current weight loss since 1/11/23: 90 lbs.

Girth is almost universally believed to be the preference of women.

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Women notice girth more than length, in my opinion (and based on some rather extensive experience with my own 8x7 tool). :-D

Girth: low girth, low intensity feeling, according to them.

Massive girth: extreme intensity feeling, she might cum in a matter of seconds with intercourse. HOWEVER: If she is not what you’d call “mutiorgasmic”, then she will very soon after cumming will become too sensitive and it will turn into a painful experience.

So yes, girth is a gamechanger, but just don’t go overboard. Too big for most women would be 6 yo 6,5cm diameter. Although some women would find that ok, but just a minority. Keep that in mind.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

OK now Im ready to go. If you guys say it matters to girls then Im gonna start. I hope I can reach around 14cm so 1.5cm-2cm in girth. Lets hope clamping will do the job.


Start: 15.1cm BPEL

Current: 16.9cm

Final goal: 7 inch

More girth for her equals tighter pussy for you. I don’t see a downside here.

Start: Oct '16 - 6.75" BPEL, 4.875" MSEG

Current: Oct 15, '22 - 7.875" BPEL, 5.875" MSEG


Guys that I know who have had their girths increased (sometimes by as much as 1 to 2 inches in circumference) often proclaim “girth is king,” but I think the topic of size is a bit more nuanced and case-by-case quite frankly. The sheer variety of vaginas in both tightness and depth will likely determine which type of penis is most compatible (which is why the mega hung aren’t necessarily the ideal penis for every woman). I also genuinely believe mutual chemistry (with the addition of foreplay) plays the strongest role in how qualitative sex is.

That said, I think the feeling of being “filled up” or “stretched out” may put pressure against her clitoris & vaginal walls as you press, which is why they often notice it over length (i.e. more nerve endings perhaps). Heck, more times than not, they usually notice your length when you’re hitting their cervix (which reportedly isn’t every woman’s favorite pastime, only some).

Sure, women can certainly adapt to larger units and/or become more lubricated, and others have had multiple births. If this is a situation presented to you, gaining girth may be more of value.

I will say though, an increase in girth may have diminishing returns as far as it pertains to anal, quickies, and oral (teeth). That never stopped me personally, but it should be noted :)

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Originally Posted by Determined2Gain
. I also genuinely believe mutual chemistry (with the addition of foreplay) plays the strongest role in how qualitative sex is.


Well, when it comes to girth goals you have to be more careful not going overboard than with length ones.

With too much length you can thrust more shallowly, let her take go to her own pace or try many other methods to circumvent the issue.

Too much girth however, and there isn’t much you can do besides praying that she has an ultra-flexible, conditioned vagina and going slowly with two metric tons of lube (which she might not enjoy to her fullest).

So, if you’re having trouble setting a goal for girth, keep that in mind.

Originally Posted by KhatcodaiA3
Well, when it comes to girth goals you have to be more careful not going overboard than with length ones.
With too much length you can thrust more shallowly, let her take go to her own pace or try many other methods to circumvent the issue.
Too much girth however, and there isn’t much you can do besides praying that she has an ultra-flexible, conditioned vagina and going slowly with two metric tons of lube (which she might not enjoy to her fullest).
So, if you’re having trouble setting a goal for girth, keep that in mind.

And a state of the art large mouth that stays shut after giving head. Hahahaha

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

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