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When to clamp and when not to clamp


When to clamp and when not to clamp


I’ve been thinking long and hard about clamping and the what I see in my opinion as “quick gains” that can be made.

I have one last question I would like answered which can’t be searched, kind of like a personal finding.

I have read clamp threads and have heard he Tunica gets tougher resulting in slowed to nil length gains (not good) I still want length.

Can I have comments from those who have clamped and still gained length whilst or after clamping, and or those who have not gained any length since starting clamping, or anyone who has a thought on this subject.

Hopefully this will allow people to get all the information needed about this topic so that an educated decision can be made before they start to clamp.

Thanks in advance

I have gained length during clamping. I quit clamping 3 weeks ago when I reached my goal of 17cm. I have gained some length since then which is a normal amount for me during the period of 3 weeks. Only thing is that I clamped for 10 days so you have to deceide for yourself the value of my post. I gained a half cm of girth during the 10 days.

Bird: ok half a centimetre in 10 days not too bad I say. Do you think that growth would have continued should you have carried on? I also notice you gain length at least every 3 weeks, how much? What is your length routine?

Everyone else whats your clamping findings? Would really like to hear from you experienced clampers /PE ers

Thanks in advance

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

What exactly is ‘clamping’?

Originally Posted by Jon Soo Kwan

What exactly is ‘clamping’?

Clamping is not recommended for newbies but here is some info.

Clamping 101 - The clamping guide

Started PE late August, 2005: BPEL 5.875"

Oct 1, 2006: BPEL 6.9375"; Dec 1, 2006: 7.125"; Dec 7, 2007: 7.25"; February 22, 2008: 7.375"

Thanks for the interest guys, please read all info on clamping before considering, hence this thread, once the experienced clampers have given their experience then we will all have a better understanding as to when to start clamping, I.e. Before during or after length goal has been achieved.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Originally Posted by godzila
Bird: ok half a centimetre in 10 days not too bad I say. Do you think that growth would have continued should you have carried on? I also notice you gain length at least every 3 weeks, how much? What is your length routine?

I think the growth would have continued. My goal was 17cm (6.7”) in girth and nothing more simply because you can get serious trouble with normal sex and blowjobs when you get more girth. A half cm of girth in 10 days isn’t to bad but it is great :D . I think there are many guys here who wished they gained so easy, including clampers.

My routine is concentrated on length now. I gain quickly in that department to. My goal is 22cm erect none bone pressed (8 2/3”). I have almost no fat pad so my bone pressed would be a little more about 22,2 cm. The routine where I am on for continuous months already which hits length is:

7x3 minutes of stretching (up,down, straight forward, left, right, downwards right and downwards left)
6x1 minutes of inverted v stretch (picked them up a week or two ago with good results while not doing them for a month of two).

I am now slightly more then 19,5 cm in length and 17 cm in girth.

Hoped this answered your question, if there is something not clear don’t hesitate to ask :)

Originally Posted by Bird2

7x3 minutes of stretching (up,down, straight forward, left, right, downwards right and downwards left)
6x1 minutes of inverted v stretch (picked them up a week or two ago with good results while not doing them for a month of two).

First up congrats on your success. I read you comment on your routine somewhere else on Thunders but forgot to ask something about the time you take with the stretching. I too, am wanting length, in fact, I can say I am desperate for length. Not to say my girth is good but I’d be more than comfortable with what I have in the girth department for now.

My question is why you stretch 7 times for 3 minutes and do you keep the stretch held when you move from an upward position to the downward etc? Or do you stretch for three minutes & have a break & then continue?

Thanks Bird.

Originally Posted by Hughgreck96
First up congrats on your success. I read you comment on your routine somewhere else on Thunders but forgot to ask something about the time you take with the stretching. I too, am wanting length, in fact, I can say I am desperate for length. Not to say my girth is good but I’d be more than comfortable with what I have in the girth department for now.

My question is why you stretch 7 times for 3 minutes and do you keep the stretch held when you move from an upward position to the downward etc? Or do you stretch for three minutes & have a break & then continue?

Thanks Bird.

Thanks man for the congrats, always nice to hear

I am doing different things while stretching, for instance reading thunders, watching a movie or playing games. I run a stopwatch on the side so I am sure I do at least 3 minutes of stretching in a direction. Most of the time I stretch between 3-3,5 minutes each direction. Then I let go and change hands to give my hand a rest and continue the routine in the following direction. For a warm up I just get an erection before PEing.

Thanks for the response. I read your routine incorrectly, I understand now. I like the idea of an erection Pre- PE, it is good to get the blow flow going I suppose before working your penis. Similar to the way people lightly jog before lifting weights.

Yes Bird thanks for the reply, will be interested if your length goals are reached, however I don’t class you as a major clamper, only half a centimeter for a period of 10 days, good gains but not a long term clamper. Anyone out there clamped for a while say an inch plus then gained length with no problems? Surely gains do not just stop after clamping for a while to gain the girth wanted! Can it?

Let me know guys

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Any more comments, I have ordered some clamps so will be starting soon, I hope to prove wrong the slow to no length gains comments whilst clamping.

Any further experiences would be appreciated, also has any girth been lost after clamping has stopped? a small amount is expected I feel but has any one lost lets say an inch? after gaining it from clamping and or jelqing?

If you have an experience please share it

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Clamping gives me ED which is a shame. My comments….

Feb 2003: 7" BPEL x 5" EG. June 2006: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG

(6" base girth)

Thanks for the quick reply

ED sorry is that short for erectile disfunction? if so sorry to hear but again is there a reason for this, i.e. to much pressure, for too long? I would like to ave as much knowledge on this subject before I go forward.

keep em coming

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

I’ve been clamping for two weeks now, and have gained a quarter inch in length, but no girth?? I do very little stretching.


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