Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Where are all the 5 INCHERS SPEAK UP

Has anyone experienced this

Be Careful.. This is for real and permanent
Just got on this site and wanted to tell my story.

I began my journey in 1999 with a starting size of 5.5 BPEL, 4.75 erect girth, pretty average.

However I’d always thought 6 to 6.5 was average
I had just moved In with a girl with a larger vagina than normal, it made me feel inadequate. I stumbled across some random sites, dial up connection back then and tried a lot of things that made sense. Like a lot of people on this site I admit I started seeing some gains and I got a bit addicted.. I married that girl and she seemed to enjoy the increase.

By 2001 I was 6.125 BPEL and 5.125 erect girth.

At this time there wasn’t a lot of info out there and I thought that was still below average. I kept going for a few more years, less frequent, but never the less continued through 2004

2004 BPEL was 6.375 and girth was 5.5 at this time my wife wanted me to stop. It was a tight fit I thought I was right at average size.. WRONG

I got bored with the size and had one last go at it from 2009 to 2012

2012 BPEL 6.75 and girth up to 5.875 I hit a plateau

This was all my wife could take it required lube and most positions didn’t work any more. I went too far. But over the years she got used to it. We still are very limited in positions. I’ve continued maintenance stretching over the years(a couple minutes 4 mornings a week) but 5 years later it was the same size.

This is where it gets interesting. I was a heavy smoker this entire time (2 packs a day) I had some erection issues, used constriction rings a lot. I quit smoking January 2018. I really had quit paying much attention to my size. By March my wife was commenting that it felt bigger. By April she was complaining about it. I hadn’t done anything for years and she had just had surgery so I assumed it was because we had to take 6 weeks off. Also I gained about 15 Lbs when I quit, so things were looking smaller down there. By June she continued to complain and I noticed it looking larger. My night erections have been harder and far more frequent. In July I broke down and measured it.

July 2018 BPEL is 7.56 girth 6.375.I’m shocked

This is more gain than any of the other periods

I’m not sure when this will stop but this is too big. I’m assuming that over the years I increased size but the smoking limited it from being realized.
I never did flaccid stretch measurements, Big Mistake! Be careful! My goals were an inch above average. That’s 6.4 by 5.5, because of poor research and poor health habits I over estimated my goal and I over shot my over estimation. Now I’m beyond the 99.99 percentile. Not what I wanted.

There is a lot of disinformation out there and inflated self reports of size. Don’t let it fool you.

I wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced anything like this with smoking cessation and if so how long until things normalized?

Also anyone been doing this as long as I have?

Originally Posted by Ericlbstl

July 2018 BPEL is 7.56 girth 6.375.I’m shocked

This is more gain than any of the other periods

I’m not sure when this will stop but this is too big.

Interesting … Do you mean after you quit smoking your penis has continued grow without you doing anything ? Tell us about your penis enlargement routine prior to your smoking cessation.

I stopped over 6 years ago.

Last 6 years after I reached a plateau:
Just have been doing the leg tuck/pull while showering in the morning as maintenance with no change in 6 years. That became effective after stretching my ligament to a lower connection point years ago. It’s effortless and I’ve never had a decrease as some on this site have reported. As I said I’ve had issues and used constriction rings frequently.

I quit smoking and In the last 5 months I’ve had these significant increases with no change in routine. I’m sure it’s a result of my body recovering from 20 years of abuse. Just wondering how long this “recovery goes on for”

Prior to all that I had done all my own research. This site would have saved me a ton of time. I performed a myriad of aggressive techniques, using my body as leverage, but all were derivatives of the basic techniques recommended on this site. Nothing novel other than the intensity I worked up to, which may have been detrimental.

Former 5.5 member with NBPEL and yes the stats here got me upset. We have some gents come in with some great stats and it is only natural to compare.

The thing I have learned most from 6 and above is that they Fucking post about it, 5-inch men on this forum don’t post as much and we need everyone to post.

Another thing I have learned from 6 and over is how humble they are, they do think they are small, and you can’t judge and that is the most important lesson from this thread, be curious, not judgemental.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)


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