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Where do you look while PEing?

Where do u look while PEing?

When you guys PE do u look at your unit or do u look elsewhere or close your eyes and visualize? I mostly look in a mirror or right at my dick but sometimes i PE in the dark and visualize.

LOL, before I read your post and just saw the title of this thread, I was going to say, “You guys might think I’m fucked up or vain, but I look in a mirror while I’m PEing.”

Now I know I’m not alone! :up:

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Playboy :)

Most of the time I’m in the bathroom. I’ll look in the mirror, at my unit, look out the window, the ingredients on all the cleaning supplies, the instructions on the washer and dryer, etc. I will also close my eyes and visualize. There just a plethora of things to do in a bathroom at 4 a.m. while pulling on you dick.


Sometimes I look at my penis. Why? Because I like “him” :) )).
Sometimes I look at penis because I do exercises which I couldn’t do without observation.
Sometimes I turn on webcam and looking at my penis too. hehehe
But usually I try to read information services or PE forums (Thunder’s or Polish one). But it is not very comfortable to use web because of lubricant on my hands.

Originally Posted by swingman
When you guys PE do u look at your unit or do u look elsewhere or close your eyes and visualize? I mostly look in a mirror or right at my dick but sometimes i PE in the dark and visualize.


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If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Watching some movie at the pc while stretching.

Reading something on the inet, I duno… things to make the time go by.

I’m standing in the bathroom, in front of the sink (so the mirror is right there). Usually I’m looking down, watching what I’m doing, imagining that Elizabeth Hurley is somehow involved. ;)

At my unit or whatever I’ve got going on the monitor.

Ive found that internet slide shows of nude women are more condusive to concentration than Glenn Ford westerns.

Red Rooster

I have over a gig of nude women pictures (nothing hard) that i have accumulated over the years. I have a slide show flip through them using Weshots. Keeps me motivated. Pretty good picture exchange software. I tell you I couldn’t look at myself, no way. All hunched over with that look on my face. I do go in the other room after I get pumped up and look mirror.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

90% of the time I am looking at my unit. Other times I fantasize to get more erect, or count the tiles on the wall to lose some erection.


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