Thunder's Place

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Which One - ADS, Bib Hanger, Clamp, Captn's Wench, Golf Weights

Which One - ADS, Bib Hanger, Clamp, Captn's Wench, Golf Weights

When a newb completes the the 3-month starter routine, what PE tool should they buy? Which is the “best”?

Make your self a Captain Wench buy some cable clamps hang as much as you can with it then buy Bib Hanger.Achieve your Length goals then buy a Penis pump and use the cable clamps which you bought before to achieve your girth goals :)

That is what I am doing :)

-======Goal BPEL 9.5x6======-

Depends what you want to achieve most.

If you want to maximize gains to effort, get a good ADS ‘system’ and leave it on all day. I say ‘system’ because given a little creativity you can probably make your own machines that’ll fit your goals better.

As far as girth gains, I’d say you should do a bit of research before putting down any money. Pumps are good but I’d have a routine in mind before you spend. Same with clamping.

Start (May 2011) 5.75 BPEL x 4.7 MSEG - (1 Year) 7.2 BPEL x 5 MSEG - (Current (17months)) 7.5BPEL x 5.2MSEG

Goal: Something Monstrous.

If you are still making gains on the newb routine, then milk it for all its worth. The toys can wait till you hit a plateau.


Hey achillles28, in honor of the hilarious memory of CaptnHook I have adjusted this thread’s title.

You had listed "Captains Wrench" when the device is actually properly named "Captn’s Wench".

He named the device that way as a play on words. So, it’s kind of a matter of respect to get it right. More importantly, from a practical standpoint this will make it easier for others to search for it as well. ;)

To expedite the search, here’s the link to the Captn’s original thread: The Captn’s Wench: PE Device

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I forgot to mention I’m uncircumcised and prefer length gains over girth (then go for more girth). Does that matter?

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Hey achillles28, in honor of the hilarious memory of CaptnHook I have adjusted this thread’s title.

You had listed "Captains Wrench" when the device is actually properly named "Captn’s Wench".

He named the device that way as a play on words. So, it’s kind of a matter of respect to get it right. More importantly, from a practical standpoint this will make it easier for others to search for it as well. ;)

To expedite the search, here’s the link to the Captn’s original thread: The Captn’s Wench: PE Device

Ahaha thanks :D

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